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English Gun Game Script (v 1.1) >

83 comments282 kb, 5,407 Downloads

old Gun Game Script (v 1.1)

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{No|Limit} GunGame Server Script By Blazzingxx

=== Info ===
√ GunGame Mod Based From CS
> Version: 1.1 (Beta)
> Release Date: 2009/09/30
> Author: Blazzingxx
> Website:

=== Script Include ===
∗ = Basics/General
• 24 different weapon levels (default).
• 3 kills to gain new level or steal it with knife.
• You cant steal level being knife level.
• 1st, 2nd, 3rd places of winners.
• Points system, mostly for making top players list.
• !toplist - shows top10 server players, but you need to set this feature in GunGame config.
• GunGame serverations "F2,F3", menus.

∗ = Team Mode Feature
Note: This feature is disabled as default.
• Please use GunGame config to set it on!
• On level up, everyone gets new weapon at same moment.
• Use different hud texts than normal GunGame mode.
• Team objective - team gets new weapon after winning round.

∗ = Warmup Round
Note: this feature is activated as default.
• You can use GunGame config to set it off!
• Warmup round runs until time is out.
• Warmup round gives you endless weapon.
• Default warmup weapon is "HE".

∗ = Vote System Feature
Note: This feature is disabled as default.
• You can use GunGame config to set it on!
• Map with most votes wins.
• You can add your own maps to vote list. Use config.
• Vote round gives you endless weapon.
• Default warmup weapon is "HE".

∗ = Rank Generating System
Note: This feature is disabled as default.
• You can use GunGame config to set it on!
• New rank generating system witch supports auto top players list on server info.
• You can use !toplist to see fresh top 10 of best players.
• Server info toplist shows player name, place, points, wins.
• Configuration alows you to have top 10 - 500 players on server info.

∗ = SayCommands
• !stats - shows your stats.
• !toplist - shows fresh top 10 of best players, if this feature on.
• !help - opens main GunGame menu.
• !commands - shows all available say commands.

∗ = Save/Load Feature
• Requires U.S.G.N. user.
• Each U.S.G.N. user have own stats:
==• Kills.
==• Deaths.
==• Kills/Deaths.
==• Knife Kills.
==• Points - gain them with killing & winning GunGame rounds.
==• GunGame Wins.
==• Shots.
==• Hits.
==• Accuracy.
• Improved save system.
• Saves kills, deaths, kills/deaths, knifekills, points, GunGame wins, shots, hits, accuracy.
• Hoster can have up to 40000 U.S.G.N. saves.
• Count of U.S.G.N. data files wont slow down server.

∗ = Hud texts & Messages Feature
• Hud text shows:
==• Current level.
==• Leader with his weapon.
==• How many kills you need for level.
==• GunGame version.
• Good looking colors.
• Short, easy readable messages.

∗ = Sound Feature
Note: Use new GunGame maps to transfer sounds!
• 10 advanced GunGame sounds:
==• Server joining.
==• Round start bell.
==• Kill notification.
==• Knife level.
==• Level up.
==• Losing Level.
==• Steal level.
==• Lost the lead.
==• Take the lead.
==• Tied the lead.
• New unreal tournament sound system.

∗ = Map Feature
Note: Use gungame maps to transfer sounds.
• 4 high quality new GunGame maps:
==• gg_crossfire
==• gg_iceworld
==• gg_carnage
==• gg_boxworld

∗ = Configuration
• 'sys/lua/gungame/gg_config.cfg' file.
• You can easily turn on, off or change many GunGame features.
• There is 30 options to change.
• 'sys/lua/gungame/gg_settings.cfg' file.
• You setting config to change default GunGame settings.

∗ = Help Feature
• Help.txt file.
• Website :

=== Installation ===
> Extract script/mod .zip in cs2d folder.

=== Contacts ===
> Unreal Software User:
> USGN: 15811
> Mail: - Email address (only visible with login) -
> Website:
edited 3×, last 31.08.11 06:34:13 pm
Approved by Infinite Rain

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282 kb, 5,407 Downloads


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nice script. but too few maps
I like it!
edited 1×, last 11.04.10 08:55:59 pm


User Off Offline

the best gun game script....thx blazzingx for it
I like it!


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best gun game script, very doog.
I like it!
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