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11 comments126 kb, 387 Downloads

old dom_dirtyroute

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Hey, I had a really awesome idea (I think it's awesome) of a domination map and the design and layout after being inspired by a tiles pack recommended from my other map by user Chex:!

Credits: user dcrew (Map/Design), user Chex (Ideas/Suggestions), user Seekay (Ideas/Suggestions), user LucasRib (Tileset)

I thought it turned out very nice and certainly better than expected.

The main idea was, Domination point in the middle in a fort-like set-up where your team has to defend it!
edited 2×, last 31.03.12 02:18:46 am
Approved by GeoB99

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126 kb, 387 Downloads


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You don't know, what I mean. All what you must do on this map is dominate this point and CS2D will say 'all points has been dominated' or something like that.


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user Enderwarrior - RUS has written
Good map

i don't like it

Oh Russians, you're so silly.
I like it!


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@user BaDgEr: Good point, but I prefer 5-10 minute matches on doms, thus giving each team some time to fight for it.

@user Seekay: Thanks, and lol


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Simple, much details and a nice tileset.

That's what Daddy likes.
I like it!


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It's too easy to win. Just run to the domination point and capture it... Time to the end of the round = max. 1 minute


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user Chex Ok thanks alot for the tips!

user MAX-russia That's the point of the map lol.


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because there is only one dom point


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Do you have a script that makes it a sort of king of the hill defend the point sort of gamemode?

There are a few basic design problems, but it's a great idea.

1. I think the point is a bit too wide open and thus pretty easy to defend(just spam bullets and grenades, voila, no risks taken.)

2. The spawns are too close to the point for any real map control to happen.

This map is sort of like Terrorists|point|counterterrorists, while to have enough space to really have map control(especially if it's played with con_ mode, which most dom_ maps are played with.) Ideally it should be Terrorists|area|point|area|counter terrorists.

Also, did you check the distances to various places with the path distance tool in the editor? In any case, this is a pretty nice map, you just need to work on a few gameplay elements.(Presently too deathmatch-y and not enough space to think(or if in con mode build up supplies/dispensers.))

As far as visuals go it's really pretty :3

Eurgh, I might make a dom map there seems to be a lack of them.
I like it!
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