Killing floor Weapon packJ4x User Offline 23.07.12 03:08:47 am Hello guys, Here some stuff I forgot to upload, Enjoy it! What you see in the renders are just a preview, there are other wepons inside the zip file. Credits: Guitorres for making the m14 EBR Screens: Approved by Sparty (10.12.15 12:19 pm) Download 31 kb, 871 Downloads
Happy Killer BANNED Offline 12.11.12 06:49:26 pm @ WinterPwnd Blau sad, he's working on it I like it!
plaYnice User Offline 12.11.12 01:22:54 pm Very similar to the weapons of Killing Floor really are very well drawn, and not so shaded, but here's my like. I like it!
Reach User Offline 27.10.12 01:40:29 pm cool! ---reach--- edited 1×, last 16.11.12 07:29:52 amAdmin/mod comment §4.4 - Titles/texts in capital letters are impolite and undesired
Prototype_manPrototype_man User Offline 27.10.12 08:10:28 am That's awesome!!! I love this game I like it!
DevGru User Offline 12.10.12 11:55:30 pm I recently tested the skins in CS2D. You're good at menu images, but you should improve the shapes of your drop images because they're kind of looking weird. Like the M249 drop image here: The M249 drop image in your weapon pack sucks, it's too small to be an M249. I like it!
Slugness User Offline 12.10.12 11:07:23 pm Im a fan of KF , and im going to say this is amazing , i would love to see KF player pack. I like it!