No, I developed this idea myself. I dont even know what is Game of Thrones.

People who is a warg ingame could transform into others and do kills,shits or anything for them.. Its simple as it sounds. They can also return back to themselves by pressing E.

No,Unfortunately i couldnt find a perfect way to do the same so i adapted the only possible way. If you would tolerate the skin/look of the player everything is perfect !

Yes,If you stay too long as others, you could possibly forget your whole identity! So inorder to avoid this i have set a maximum time limit, which can be easily modified. Refer sys/lua/autorun/warg.lua >>First line.

Well , The script makes everyone a warg, which will obviously make the gameplay ugly. So you have to do some modification.
especially on how a player should be selected as a warg,for instance by randomly making some players warg with math.random or by using some buttons associated with the map. This is your job, Least bothers me

Go watch Game of Thrones! and come back you freak!
or Click here if you are running farms.
FunkyFart is coming, and we know what is coming with it. We will need more and more shits like this.
edited 2×, last 14.09.17 01:28:06 pm
Approved by GeoB99
9 kb, 509 Downloads