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English ninjalifeDwN_v3.4 FIX >

13 comments4.96 mb, 760 Downloads

old ninjalifeDwN_v3.4 FIX

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Edit: I had forgotten to upload a crucial file which made the map unloadable for anyone that did not have it, it has been fixed and the map should be fully playable now.

Around 8/9 years ago @user ReVoltage: made ninja life, a script that made up most if not a big part of my childhood playing on that server, I decided to upload the fixed version of the script plus my improvements and map updates that I've done over the course of a few months.

This is possibly the last version of ninja life that'll ever be posted, simply because no one is insane enough to pick up this script and recode it from scratch (like have you seen how messy it is?)

Eitherway here you have it, I hope this will create good memories to future players as it did to me when I was young.

Disclaimer: I have a very very VERY rough knowledge in programming, so I only fixed what was possible to fix, a lot of
features on the map don't exist simply because I don't know how to code them.

@user ReVoltage: for creating the original map and lua
@user DarwinFTW: for the DwN version

You can √
Use it on your server √

You can't ×
Edit it without @user ReVoltage:'s permission or mine ×
Say it's yours ×

That's it, hope you have fun.
edited 5×, last 19.06.23 04:15:56 pm
Approved by DC

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4.96 mb, 760 Downloads


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Bro sabías que ay un método para conseguir oro infinito para conseguir oro infinito te vas a editor copias un item que sea de oro y lo pegas por el mapa y para que sea infinito salís del mapa y volves a entrar y otra cosa más pero te contaré algun día bro gracias
I like it!


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The save file is not working on your server. @user xsiN:


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@user daris: Sorry, I had forgotten to upload the tiles png so it basically meant the map would not load without it, it has been fixed. (gfx section)

@user Im Rezeon: I suppose your issue was the same as @user daris: so it has been fixed as well, tell me if you still encounter issues.
edited 1×, last 19.12.21 10:07:18 pm

old update

Im Rezeon
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When will Dininja Life's wings be sold and this is CS2D version, please update


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LOAD MAP: failed to load tiles 'GP_GROUND.bmp'‚
i redownloaded but i got the same error


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I would like to see new bosses and new skills, the gfx job is good I like it but I would also like to see changes in the mechanics of the game.
I like it!


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80KB say.lua

mmmhmhhmh yes i like it thanks for upload ✔✔❤
I like it!


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@user Laif: "Disclaimer: I have a very very VERY rough knowledge in programming, so I only fixed what was possible to fix, a lot of
features on the map don't exist simply because I don't know how to code them."

Some things don't work because I didn't code them


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The script is a masterpiece.. very bad code design.


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I can't talk with npcs in Nagaski Vilage
I pressed e and said hi, don't work
and Kiriage Village it's same i can't talk with new npcs
I like it!


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hello @user Laif: thanks for letting me know
Try redownloading the files, I've replaced it with the fixed version again
seems like I forgot to include the tiles in the files, should work now.


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The Script Nice, I liked it
But there problem at map, Failed Map can't find GP_GROUND.bmp
Help me!
I like it!
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