Now Map testing snow is released

You can play snowball

Another weapons:
Seeking bomb
You can set the power now
More maps
You can give everyone weapons
Say "!l >Commands or lua<" then will appear menu commands for default commands in console
Lua for the script
Simple lua:
!l gold[id]=value
!l wpn[id]=
1 = hands
2 = snowball
3 = seeking bomb
!l god[id]=
1 = godmode
0 = ungodmode
!l infjump[id]=
1 = you can jump anywhere
0 = you only can jump on the grounds
!l autodef[id]=
1 = You will be auto using shield
0 = You must use it manual
!l autoatk[id]=
1 = You will auto attacking player nearest you
0 = You must attack manual
!l infdef[id]=
1 = You can use shield with no cooldown
0 = You can use shield when its not cooldown
Simple textcommand:
!tp id1 id2 - Teleporting id1 to id2
!tp all id - Teleporting everyone to id
Controls / Key -
Press mouse

Spam mouse

Press R

Press E

Press Space

Notice -

Actually yes!, i already create bot command for commanding bot what did he need! punch, shield, build a turret bot is playing fair
he only can build turret while has enough gold

Btw i make a video tutorial for this script:
edited 6×, last 26.05.21 03:19:52 am
Approved by DC
1.45 mb, 557 Downloads