Bunkers , Stations, Isle and Areas
Force Station (Started)
Hydro Bunker (Open Emergency Room and Kaplica)
Oxygen Bunker (Bombs use for areas)
Nitro Bunker (Carbon bunker gates open)
Carbon Station (Toxic Gas and open power rooms)
Mania Isle (Open Nitro Bunker and a lot ıtems)
Helicopter Area (Open Mania Isle gates and a lot ıtems)
Quest have in map
When the main doors are opened, the quest places appear in the texts.
Good games, İyi Oyunlar , SonicStar
Zm Maps
zm BlizzardRescue DawnOperation
zm ArmaResearch PointBlank
zm CarbonForce HydroStation

edited 10×, last 29.04.23 07:50:48 pm
Approved by Gaios
314 kb, 137 Downloads