Futuristic AWP by Hunter162Hunter162 User Offline 12.12.10 09:30:01 am YAY AWP hope you like it edit it say its yours WOO!!! x2 edited: the in hand image is now in the player hands :3 edited 1×, last 12.12.10 11:01:50 am Approved by GeoB99 (26.12.23 04:49 pm) Download 2 kb, 402 Downloads
Majatek User Offline 20.06.11 01:32:56 am It's alright I guess, but it's no AWP, that, and the scope image is uneven. Good effort though. I like it!
Seduce Me User Offline 20.06.11 12:55:42 am ITS VERY LONG ( THATS WHAT SHE SAID ) rifle! I LIKE IT LIKE THAT.
Trali User Offline 25.12.10 03:24:21 pm This equip image is good but buy menu image and drop image is awesome I like it!
Hunter162 User Offline 25.12.10 03:19:35 pm @Slip its not a bow or a crossbow. the thing there is actually uh..uhh..i donno myself ):
Slip User Offline 17.12.10 06:23:43 pm Thats Very,Very Long Awp And No Bow,Crossbow sound , But Good - 3/5 I like it!
bamg User Offline 12.12.10 07:45:39 pm im sorry mbye u nxt file i like here i go up my rate I like it!
Hunter162 User Offline 12.12.10 07:40:49 pm @kaboom123 your hard to impress cant get you to rate 5 on any of my files. hmm.. what do you like :3
Hunter162 User Offline 12.12.10 11:34:52 am @Nexmann u mean what thing do what way? your confusing me
244453211332112 User Offline 12.12.10 11:20:51 am I mean this 1 thing which it like in a hand do this away I like it!
connor34 User Offline 12.12.10 11:07:15 am Thnx Hunter i most download it! 5/5 because i love awp I like it!
Hunter162 User Offline 12.12.10 11:02:30 am ok done the AWP now is in the hand :3 i changed the 3,4,5 image i didnt change the 1st one coz im lazy
Jaso BANNED Offline 12.12.10 10:00:10 am Its good just like Nexmann says make it in his hands i give you 3/5 and if you make it in his hands it will be 4/5 I like it!
244453211332112 User Offline 12.12.10 09:46:09 am nice but this in the middle this line you have to make this into his hands than its better! I like it!