@ DevGru, I'd say Atukam's is better.
@ Phenixtri, Well, I kinda stopped making skins since that faithful day when I was a smart ass and cleaned my comp without making backups. I do have some skins, but not many, I did save But without a drop and inhand images. Some more skins, but that one is exceptional though
@ DevGru, I made it, but I had to clean up my computer and I forgot to make a backup, a lot of unpublished skins were lost in process, like that player skin. Sorry.
Omg. Do not pay any attention to him. He just little stupid 11 years old kid, which nothing understand in skinning. And with bad knowledge of english language... He can made only "resized" skins.
For me this skin is nice, but drop image so big and on the back looks ugly. But whatever i have download of this skin and will use it!
@MAX-russia, Lol, who said its "Camo"?, I said "by The Camo"
Also, nice revenge rate because I rated your resize 1, at least this isn't resize.
P.s. don't make me rate your files, I seen every one of them, and they are all... very bad. although, I'd rate them professionally not like raging kid.