Weapon Stripper Gate
Function Remove every weapon when you go through the designated gate.
How to use it?
1.Let your server assigned to this script, or rename it as your map's name, or add it into your script.
2.Open your map, set up Trigger_Move and name it "strip" (without quotes), ofcourse you can set multiple entitys.
3.Done!!! You can open your map and see what happens!
Yeah you can watch the great video(click here) made by Kel9290, thanks!
Image 1:I got a laser yay! Now I'm ready to kill those b**ches!
Image 2:WTF I feel so bad... Now I have nothing. Mom! The gate takes all my weapons!
Some little advertisment for my clan:)
Goto CS2D console command page cmd
Goto CS2D Lua command page cmd
Goto CS2D Lua hook command page hook
edited 13×, last 21.08.11 12:19:19 pm
Approved by GeoB99
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