Travel the whole of the map with your very own TARDIS!
Do tricks like opening locks with your sonic screwdriver!
Be a Dalek and exte-erminate others!
Regenerate your body!
Technical details:
An admin list - admins grant players sonic screwdrivers, TARDISes and regenerations
!give tardis <id> - give the player with the ID id a TARDIS
!give sonic <id> - give the player with the ID id a sonic screwdriver
!give regen <amount> <id> - give the player with the ID id <amount> regenerations
F2 while in a TARDIS to open the controls menu
F4 while playing as a CT to open your sonic screwdriver menu
F4 while playing as a Dalek to play the "Exterminate!" sound
If your health is down to 10 or less HP you'll start regenerating - find a safe place to do that as you'll be immobile
While using the sonic screwdriver you have to face the entity you'll be triggering
Right now you can't remove a TARDIS, but you don't really have to, do you?
http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Doctor_Who - about the show
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZU-uq3_Zv0 - video preview with my voice commentary
EDIT 1: Added the splash screen in the archive.
Enjoy and please tell me if any bugs occur. I'm also open to suggestions about what to add.
edited 1×, last 16.05.11 07:55:07 am
Approved by Seekay
1.14 mb, 1,073 Downloads