[CSS] Broken cars and truckuseigor User Offline 30.12.11 08:24:23 pm Broken cars and truck from CSS v.1. 3 broken cars Description: Every car and truck have 5 colours(white, blue, green, yellow, red). DON'T edit/copy/steal this file DON'T claim it as yours USE for your own maps/scripts. edited 8×, last 07.08.13 05:58:51 am Approved by Infinite Rain (03.12.15 11:31 pm) Download 912 kb, 996 Downloads
DevGru User Offline 31.12.11 10:28:38 pm @ useigor: What's the recommended size of this again? Happy new year by the way. I like it!
deletemepl0x User Offline 31.12.11 01:18:31 pm Just pure epicness! I will use it at my "amnesia" map Dislikers, beware the ban hammer of DC! I like it!
Phenixtri User Offline 31.12.11 08:40:10 am The car are actually from both HL2 and CS:S Valve used the same models for both games. You know to save time n what not. Over all I like em tho I wish you would make more like the ones from HL2 they would make great map props/sprites. I like it!
DevGru User Offline 31.12.11 08:08:05 am @ Kel9290: useigor has writtenThese cars i took from de_dust2(CSS). I like it!
LOL thisboboyzhengye12 User Offline 31.12.11 02:46:39 am I use the car as my P90 skin SHOOTING CAR Oo I like it!
@BaDgEruseigor User Offline 31.12.11 12:22:09 am Learn to draw and don't cry, baby. 1. These cars i took from de_dust2(CSS). 2. Wipe your eyes. Spoiler 3. Remeber this: Quote5.1 - Show good behavior and simply don't be a stupid asshole
DevGru User Offline 30.12.11 11:47:45 pm @ Megusta porque esta linda: Can you show us the link where it is stole from? I like it!
Megusta porque esta linda User Offline 30.12.11 11:46:49 pm 2. (orange or yellow) is stolen. But they're good! I like it!
BaDgEr User Offline 30.12.11 11:38:09 pm I used third car something about 3 months ago in my 'de_desertriver' map so i think it's only edited by you, sorry