How to Make a HUD TEXT + IMAGE?
Example :
Help me please??
Thanks !!
function Array(size,value) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, size do 		array[i] = value 	end 	return array end news_image = Array(32,0) imagepath = "gfx/start" -- Your image! locked={} 	 addhook("serveraction","_action") function _action(id,action) 	if action == 1 then 		if locked[id]==true then 			menu(id,"Player menu,(News),News off") 		else 			menu(id,"Player menu,News,(News off)") 		end 	end end addhook("menu","_menu") function _menu(id,title,button) 	if title == "Player menu" then 		if button == 1 then 			if locked[id]==nil or locked[id]==false then 				locked[id]=true 				news_image[id] = image(imagepath..".bmp",440,80,2,source) 				parse('hudtxt2 '' 1 "©255255255Today news!" 400 23') --Add more texts! This show only the title! If you need help with it PM me. 			end 		elseif button == 2 then 			if locked[id]==true then 				locked[id]=false 				freeimage(news_image[id]) 				parse('hudtxt2 '' 1 "" 400 23') 			end 		end 	end end
news_image[id] = image(imagepath..".bmp",440,80,2,source) parse('hudtxt2 '' 1 "©255255255Today news!" 400 23') --Add more texts!