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English Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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My suggestion for multiplayer.

There would be multiplayer map type WAR MODE.
There would be 2 autotembalanced teams and there would be big island with 2 spawning spots. Both spawning spots would be far away from each other. Players will have to build their own small city with defending objects. They will have to make spears, bows and all weapons that will be possible to make in S3. Players will be able to share their tools, weapons, items, etc. There will no time limits. Any player can join any team in anytime. Players can decide their strategy, for example that a few players will make some trap or some player will surround enemies city, etc. And there will be team-chat command. The goal will be to completely destroy enemies city. The dead players will be able to play again only after 1 minute. When all players will be dead and their city will be destroyed the game round will be over.

What do you think?

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user BountyHunter: your idea isn't quite bad, but it's better to wait until S3 gets released and scripters get introduced to it's environment. I've already been planing lots of things too, that's why I often come with a lot of questions for user DC.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user Starkkz:
About DC, now I don't write him any suggestions, 'cause I'm sure that here, in US are many fools who spam DC's messages with useless or spamming messages. But I hope, that after SII release DC will let me translate it to Lithuanian language. I have experience translating some games as Assault Cube, Star Wars Rebellion and more.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user BountyHunter: I'm not willing to maintain a list of people who are planning to do certain translations just so they can be sure that theirs will become the actually used ones. Instead people can simply upload their translations. Be the first who makes a good translation in a particular language and your translation will probably be chosen.

All the translation stuff is far away in future anyway so please stop coming up with it
edited 1×, last 26.09.14 03:34:13 pm

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user pirate of island has written
it will have translationa and voices in the portuguese (BR) language ?

Since your english is not that great and I am brazilian as well, I'm going to translate (within a spoiler tag so it doesn't bother anyone) what has been said about translations:
Spoiler >

And just so you know, yes, I'll probably offer myself to translate it to PT-BR once it's done, but you're gonna have to wait until then.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

When S3 will be released I'll try to translate good, and upload file as fast as I can, but I'm afraid that Rainoth will want to translate, too so he'll erase my translation and he'll upload his

Admin/mod comment

Fairly sure I didn't even mention anything about translating any of the games / user Rainoth

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin Off Offline

Sorry my previous post was inappropriate.

Let me explain:
Of course you can say what you want - and so can I. My opinion about what you said is just that it was stupid and unjustified fear. You really think that moderators are waiting to make translations and that they are going to remove your translation so theirs gets chosen instead of yours? I would demote them for that obviously because they would clearly be abusing their powers at that point. And of course you don't get banned for this. Nobody gets banned here without violating the rules.

This place is fair - at least I'm doing my best to keep it as fair as possible (and yes it's hard and no, I don't always succeed)

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Moderator Off Offline

user MusiC Devil has written
Can't Wait For It !
hurry up release this game NOW !

The Stranded 3 is still in developement, so be patient this game will be finished in the future.

Anyway the work of DC that he did is really nice, i apreciate him for what he do, he is really a hard work at developement games.

old Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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@user DC: I'd like to know if user AssassinLV's speculation is true or not. How far with the game are you? We can see what you make but not how much of the total you've made. If you could give us (or at least me) an approximate %, we'd all be very pleased. Doesn't have to be accurate just how much you think you've already done.
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