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English how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

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old how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

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a pretty large youtuber "Yogscast Will AKA LinkTheFirst" that makes videos on indie games is looking for a game to play, and is looking for people to help him find one...

i have suggested he tries Stranded 2, but he may not notice my response unless more people upvote it.

so if you want to support Unreal software in general, this may be worth doing.

heres a link to the youtuber:
(he's most famous for his video game guides, check them out)

and heres the post to actually support UN
(EDITED LINK, is now direct comment -thanks deathmask)

just sign in to your Reddit account, and upvote the post that mentions Stranded 2.

and also more importantly- tell your Unreal Software Friends about this!
make sure they know how they can help UN!
edited 2×, last 03.11.14 03:06:01 pm

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

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most likely....
i mean its a unique game that near no ones played, William would do best to choose it, considering he could start a trend.


i think if we purposely start an entire conversation on it, were more likely to be payed attention to...

i know it already is likely we will get chosen, but the more support, the better.

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

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your welcome, my pleasure!
im just glad to help in anyway i can!

but regarding Pewdiepie, he's too big to be easily contacted...
he would probably want... you know a fee of sorts for his time...

id try with other minor/major youtubers like the following:

the creatures
im not too sure on how to contact them, but i might be able to find a way.

the yogscast
however you are most likely going to have to pay a fee for advertisement... which could be a problem...

especially Yogscast Sips
(he gets roughly 100k- 1000k views a video)
he loves Survival games like Dont Starve, and were you to do business with him, or just ask him to play it, it would turn out well

NerdCubed (he is most definitely worth trying for)
(he gets roughly 100k- 1000k views a video)
you could try contact him here:
(he has a section for indie devs)
however, this is something that your going to have to do yourself DC, being the owner of Stranded 2 and all...

those are my biggest recommendations.


@user Seekay:
that is sort of why im not too fond of trying to get Pewdiepie involved, as his main fanbase is like 80% little rude boys.

but rude little boys or no, they're still people, and still capable/aloud to play/comment everything on this site.
edited 1×, last 04.11.14 06:53:25 pm

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

User Off Offline

yeah, but im more concerned about getting stranded 3 finished haha!

more importantly though, the more people that go to UN, the more mods, the more multiplayers, and the more revenue to DC

in order to help fund necessary tech, and ect.

EDIT: i think we have that youtuber in the bag... but as a backup, howabout we all try for other youtubers?

just send messages, and links to varied youtubers of varying sizes using various social networks they are involved with, like DC said, lets try and convince Pewdiepie, there no harm in trying.

it'd however be much easier to reach CinnimonToastKen he is worth trying too, he likes to play loads of free games, like this one!

and the good thing is, they're both associated with each other, if Ken likes UN games enough, he would most likely tell Pewdiepie too.

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

User Off Offline

I would wait until stranded 3, because I think you cant advertise a game if you say that there would be a better one next day..
also I think DC made a joke with pewdiepie.
But i like the idea of getting youtubers for playing - as you said "more publicity lead to more activity that means more people for better mods etc."

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

Admin On Online

I meant the PewDiePie stuff this way: It would be a great and a huge success if he would show one of my games but I'm aware that this is rather unlikely to happen.

@user Seekay: Just see it with my eyes: What's worse? Having no one playing your games or having kids playing your games? Stupid question! Of course this would lead to some stupid forum posts and trolls and all that stuff - but we have been through this many times already and we know how to handle it properly. Additional activity is so precious that it is clearly worth it.

old Re: how to assist in making Unreal Software Famous!

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i 100% agree, id rather be noticed, and liked by annoying people, then not liked at all

im almost certain we won that video on William Strifes channel
il keep my eye out on his twitter, reddit and youtube for a video/response.

i still think its very likely NerdCubed will view the game, its very much worth trying for, DC

he is very popular, and is known to dabble in free/indie games ALOT
just ask him, and im sure he will at least check it out (making a video of course depends)
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