I wanna know, how can i spawn the item, when using a trigger or whatever, with ammo 30|0(<-as example) on the map?
for example:

Thank you

(function() for _,id in pairs(item(0,"table")) do if item(id,"x")==11 and item(id,"y")==5 then parse("setammo "..id.." 0 30 0") end end return false end)()
(function() for _, id in pairs(item(0,"table")) do if item(id, "x") == 11 and item(id, "y") == 5 then parse("setammo " .. id .. " 0 30 0") end end return false end)()
function hello() parse("echo hello") end
function() parse("setammo "..etc) end
(1==1) msg("Hello world!")
function () 	for _, id in pairs(item(0,"table")) do 		if item(id, "x") == TILE_X and item(id, "y") == TILE_Y then 			parse("setammo " .. id .. " 0 30 0") 			 			--return false	-- Uncomment this line if you want only ONE weapon's ammo on that tile to be changed 		end 	end 	return false end
if item(id, "x") == TILE_X and item(id, "y") == TILE_Y then
if item(id, "x") == TILE_X and item(id, "y") == TILE_Y and item(id, "dropped") == false and item(id, "type") == ITEM_TYPE then