
I mean if you can make something like the radar opaque or transparent, walls should too.
Btw, the daycycle is a window of opportunities, but that thing is too basic, i mean there seem to be no good mid terms...
day-fullnight. day-fullnight
Also you could add this system for rains, snows etc even some fog

that would be interesting

Do you know how many transparent cubes looks like near each other? Would look shit:/ I would need to detect all near tiles. Because it would draw all cube faces which looks bad.
Use a depth-first face culling shader, I think that's what it's called, a friend used it to fix the same issue in his 3D game.

Show me tile based game where there are transparent tiles.

Admin/mod comment

Should go transparent only when there's someone below it :3
So then when an enemy is underneath it goes transparent even though you wouldn't know they were there otherwise.
This will lead to too many issues. And it looks kinda stupid.

You asked for it.
[img][I /img]
[img][I /img]
I guarantee that's the same issue I'm referring to, I'm kind of offended that you think I was wrong or lying, whatever the case is I don't care and refuse to help, you clearly reject my help whatever the reason.