Stranded II General Stranded II for Android Stranded III has written
A mobile version is not planned
edited 2×, last 08.09.18 10:51:44 pm
@ ModJuicer: there is nothing left to talk about, Stranded 2 android is a dead project, and it is extremely likely to never be rebooted; Stranded 3 is too complex and detailed to target for platforms beyond PC/Mac,
You clearly don't understand how programming works, as @ Assassin moder: has already pointed out.
Please stop reviving long dead projects/threads, you're not doing anyone favors, you are just spamming dead posts, leaving us to explain why they aren't possible for you.
that being said, you are making too many posts as it is.
everything has to be redesigned to make sure it works with the new platform.
take it this way, DC has been programming for about 20 years now, how much experience do you have? none? you dont have a chance; work on something reasonable, and for christ sakes, stop making random posts about it
Here is an example of island creating converted to C#, it takes some time and its not "easy" because of difference in game engines and require some tweaks.
Her you can see
I hope DC will not be angry that I've used his code
And no, no plans to make it Android since engine doesnt support it. I am planning to make Stranded II: Resurrection or something:P
Nova has written
@Gaios: No.
Stranded III has written
A mobile version is not planned
RIP Stranded III [*]
Gaios There are a lot of talanted people on this site. Maybe someone will besides dc.
yesterday I saw a video where someone with the help from an pc program named something with "shadow" and the app for it on the tablet and he played the game on his tablet, he was playing witcher III with low settings.
Agentkiller :shadow costs $35 per month, and it's just connecting to a high end pc that does your phone/computer calculations for you, so you get better performance unless you already have good performance. I don't think people want to pay monthly to play pc games on a phone.
I think this is about making a game that your phone is able to run, which sounds simple enough to me.