
Whom do you like more?
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Putin | 64.29% (18) | |
Zelenskyy | 35.71% (10) |
28 votes cast

+1 for Ukraine!

It doesn't matter who I like more. Russia started a war against a peaceful country and is at fault. That's it.
you need to know what happened in 2014
Nothing special, just liar president was sent away so ukraininans chose another one
Zelensky sells supplied weapons and steals money from the West. Putin is making money off all near-military issues, just as it was in all countries during the covid - all the authorities were making money off anti-covid measures, and stealing.
Gentlemen, why don't you listen to what your media tells you, why don't you look at the chronology of events from historians and try to put the facts together yourself.
I know that the "war" is actually a local conflict - it is the same and the events are the same, and the same thing happened in Chechnya, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Yugoslavia, Iraq, .... Now it has touched Ukraine.
The United States and NATO were involved in all of these conflicts.
All these are almost identical events. It is as if (although why is it as if, because it is exactly what it is) recreated from the instructions that can be found even freely available on the Internet.
It all reminds me of the staged attack that was presented to the world as the September 11, 2001 attack.
It's funny - it hit two buildings and destroyed three (the nearby building WTC-7, which housed the stock of gold and foreign currency, which for some reason disappeared and everyone has forgotten about).
And this is the same thing that happened in Russian cities if Putin's rating was too low. There were "accidental" explosions or other disasters that involved the federal government in solving the problem and made them look like "saviors".
Everywhere, these are just situations where those in power want to make money to further their plans. And they agree to kill the citizens of their country to get what they want.
So keep it simple - there are no good countries or leaders here, there are those who have not yet been caught making money off of murder.
Please don't insult each other - it's pointless as far as each of us can influence the actions of our country's government with which we disagree.

It's a complicated situation. Basically Ukraine is NATOs pawn against Russia.
No fuck! it's not complicated
Everything is crystal clear to anyone with half a brain
Ukraine is just a puppet for the Jews, The New World Order, LGBTQ, Freemasons, etc... just name any bad and corrupt religious death cult and I can pet on my life that Ukraine is on it's side, just like the NATO and The United States, and their grand master; Israel
And yeah, Russia is not an angel, but I'd rather side with them than these motherfuckers. The choice is clear: side with the devil-worshippers or stand with Russia. I know where I stand, and it's definitely not with those twisted freaks
edited 1×, last 06.05.23 03:55:28 pm

There is no place that doesn't fit politics. Politics and politicians are the ones who run the system we are in, so it's difficult to avoid the influence of the politics.
Your claim that not every place is fit to discuss politics is like the claim that not every place is fit to breathe. You just can't handle the heat and the facts. That's why you try to stop anyone who tries to talk about matters like this, so you and your Jewish Freemasonic leaders don't get exposed.

I do not like Russia, it killed many people in Syria and bombed them. However, I evaluate my enemies based on their danger, and I believe that the United States and its so-called New World Order, which it tries to impose on everyone, pose the greatest threat to currently independent countries.
Only a fool would think that Russia started the war. Ukraine was going to attack Russia in any case, and Russia simply took a preemptive step to defend itself.
The truth is that most countries are currently under the authority of the United States. Therefore, when I hear someone claim that Ukraine or any other country is independent, I feel like hitting them with a stick to make them understand the reality of the situation is the best solution.
edited 1×, last 07.05.23 12:58:55 pm

We must accept different voices, even when they can be bigoted, crazy, and entertaining because they are both bigoted and crazy

True story, trust me. Making stuff up is my least favorite thing to do. I would never lie for the purpose of satire.

And, while there certainly is some corruption and abuse of power in all countries, the mistake is assuming that all are corrupt. Once one assumes power is the same is corruption, they will no longer pay attention to the significantly less corrupt people that could be placed in power.
Vladimir Putin runs his country like one would expect a former KGB officer to run a country.
I personally would never trust a CIA or FBI officer to run the United States, and there's no way I would vote for them if I was aware of their past. Not sure how Putin managed to get in without nationwide suspicion, considering his past KGB career. Don't trust spies, not even if they worked for your country, and especially not for the highest official position in the country. Not that they're all bad, or they can't be relied on. They're just too skilled at hiding the truth, and too familiar with a job where they acted entirely unaccountable to the people.
Electing a spy as president is like hiring a fox to guard a henhouse. Both were probably bad ideas in retrospect, but who could have known that foxes ate chickens?
Also, I don't think any part of 9-11 was staged, as corruption has not gone that far in the United States - at least not yet. I don't fully disagree with you on corruption existing in our country - I have a brain, after all - It just hasn't quite reached Russia levels, fortunately for everyone in my country who isn't a shady politician or businessman.
As far as WTC-7, hmm...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/7_World_Trade_Center#Collapse has written
There were no casualties associated with the collapse.[39] NIST found no evidence to support conspiracy theories such as the collapse being the result of explosives; it found that a combination of factors including physical damage, fire, and the building's unusual construction set off a chain-reaction collapse.[41]
If Wikipedia says it's not true, it has a very high, almost 100% chance of not being true. That's due to how Wikipedia works on a systemic level, so's it don't fudge facts.
It probably isn't true, in other words.

In all seriousness, I would probably be better at it because I am aware of the destructive instincts of world leaders, like the pull to overcentralizing decisions, the attraction of simple solutions to complicated problems, and the complacency that comes with lacking the creativity to imagine things as they could be changed rather than simply trying to work within the current system.
But so could many of us. Those that learn not of the greatness of their country, but those with the undying fascination at how broken the system is. It seems world leaders are oblivious to it, but they see it from the inside, and their wishful thinking often obscures the obvious from their eyes. I took a step further and imagined what an ideal system would look like with my economic system project (currently writing a book based off of it. Because of how second-nature developing these economic concepts has become for me as I continue progress on them, I am now attempting to produce such concepts at scale) which I have spent more time on than I will ever willingly admit in public.

Man, we gotta make a whole drama using these ex-boyfriend analogies for the Russo-Ukrainian war. I vote we start an entire thread dedicated to that.
Ok, I asked ChatGPT to write one, and it surprisingly did without the usual "I can't explain current world events because controversy" bs that it usually gives. Here it is:
And this time I specified that it should be a drama:
Aaaand.. We have a boxing match between Vladimir Zelensky and.. oops I butchered a name.
Man, these are great. And I think the boxing match answered the question that started this thread. What do you think?

There is no place that doesn't fit politics. Politics and politicians are the ones who run the system we are in, so it's difficult to avoid the influence of the politics.
How can someone so crazy be so equally wise?
Then again, that is probably a question many people ask about me...
And some of your justifications are pretty solid in some ways. It is true that the United States (which I live in, and can verify) does try to impose its own order on everyone else. That order can be jewish, but only in character, not in religion

Anyway, ain't nobody with at least half a brain believe Ukraine was going to attack Russia. Besides that, Russia is HUGE. Why would any country with any sense attack a country ten times their size? Because... they actually wouldn't attack them and whatever your saying about it has absolutely no basis in reality because it contradicts simple logic and the basic, verifiable facts on the matter.
As far as Ukraine is concerned, they asked us for favors. We didn't provide weapons to them because we felt like it. We did it because they asked us directly for them. The only order we ever imposed on them was order they asked us to impose, and even then we underdelivered a bit. In other words, we didn't go out of our way to impose things on Ukraine. It was only when Ukraine asked us. If we give orders to Ukraine, it is only because our intel is more advanced and relying on the U.S. gives Ukraine an advantage, and these orders are in practice just recommendations anyway, which Ukraine can follow or ignore according to their own will.
Ukraine is not one of the countries we steal from (which I refer to in a strict economic trade-balance sense), it is a country we have only given things to. Mainly things that go boom and can fully disassemble enemy tanks in seconds without requiring any mechanical expertise.
edited 2×, last 07.05.23 02:17:48 pm

If you believe you, then there is no life on earth, because there is too small a percentage of probability that it is possible.
Your words are not facts, but verbiage.
If you keep your eyes open to the facts, you can see that there is a great deal of corruption going on around here right now. And besides, the mentality of the Western world is primarily focused on the foundations of capitalism - the morality of selfishness of the class division of society. As a consequence, this attitude in society to each other creates the conditions for the development of corruption.
Personally, I do not believe NIST at all - because they turned a blind eye to many absurd facts.
And wikipedia only cites public information, it does not mean that wikipedia is telling the truth.
It's like believing that the authorities controlling the media won't cover up their murders and machinations. Or do you think they won't cover their ass?
edited 1×, last 08.05.23 07:21:52 am

If you believe you, then there is no life on earth, because there is too small a percentage of probability that it is possible.
Your words are not facts, but verbiage.
Your words are not facts, but verbiage.
Both of your statements are nonsensical and I am honestly still puzzling over them a bit, but I think I gathered enough to understand, and disagree with, your point.
Verbiage and facts are not in conflict, first off. They are both individual concepts. Also, factuality does not require unanimous agreement. It requires basis in reality. Conspiracy theories don't have that to begin with, so it's already losing ground.
100% - [Amount_of_credibility_of_conspiracy_theory = 0%] = 100%
Since verbiage wasn't enough for you, I can do math too. I still find the same answer without even needing to factor in the reliability of Wikipedia.
And Wikipedia is reliable. Why else would authoritarian governments try banning it if it wasn't? Check out their about page to know more about how they operate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:About
If one believes they cannot trust anything, one cannot trust that they can believe anything.
It is the paradox that explains why confusion tactics work so well. It also explains why conspiracy theories proliferate.
It is true that when people believe a falsehood as true, it has the potential to spark action that sends them into a spiral of chaos.
However, when people believe nothing is true, it weakens them by taking away the one thing they can rely on: The Truth. The truth can be the greatest weapon in a world of warfare, because no amount of guns or tanks can destroy it. The tanks and guns may win the war, but the truth is the thing that reveals to the people whether the war was worth fighting to begin with.
And yes, I know the horrors of capitalism. I made my own independent economic system as an alternative, so consider me well-versed in the art of economics.
However, don't act like the entirety of Western Society supports Capitalism. It is, like in Russian, a game of power. In Russia there are those that support the existing regime and those against the existing regime. A very similar dynamic plays out in the United States.
There are those that are fine with the existing system, and there are those who have brains within their heads that are capable of reason and logic.
Anyway, Wikipedia is a trustworthy distributor of truth. No platform is perfect, but there is no platform in existence more dedicated to the truth that of Wikipedia.
It is a virtuous cycle: Wikipedia gets more accurate, more people use it, join the Wikipedia community, and thus improve its accuracy, and so on.
When we have such a beacon of truth, which is sourced from and agreed upon by so many people, many of whom are scholars and academics, doubting it will simply keep you from being able to check if you are true yourself. Wikipedia will win people in any contest of objective truth. Do you realize how many people pore over those articles, and how dedicated these people are to the truth? The Wikipedians will stop at nothing to bypass censorship to provide the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
The most important thing is that Wikipedia is going to be more accurate than you on almost all accounts thanks to all those tireless and dedicated individuals, so in that case it is the more wise option to trust the facts it provides over the facts you provide.
And with that, I will leave you with a poem, the start of which you may recognize from my signature. I wrote this:
Perception shapes reality,
reality shapes perception,
we live in a system,
that runs on deception,
all the things that we learn,
affects what we believe,
but the things we believe,
affects what we'll achieve,
and the things we'll achieve,
shapes the future we'll make,
so if we are deceived,
we will make a mistake,
shaping a future life,
where we will not be free,
with despotism rife,
where our eyes cannot see,
where all logic is lost,
injustice justified,
society bears the cost,
as its core rots inside,
and still you cannot tell,
where I'm going with this,
we can't avoid this hell,
it already exists,
it's ingrained, it's persistent,
and even if we resist,
it will force us against us,
like a tight iron fist,
it has never liked freedom,
or fairness, or good,
and we listen to it,
because it tells us we should,
it won't value your life,
it neglects your free will,
it's chaotic and rife,
with what it will instill,
you are told you have freedom,
so long as you obey,
all the rules the true free ones,
up top put in play,
it uses our pain,
to abuse our brain,
so we cannot complain,
we can barely stay sane,
however there is hope,
even if we forgot,
we can make the system,
into what it is not
See you around

You can't believe one source and think it's right. Especially if that source is like a weather vane, turning where others want it to turn. Anyone can write that he is the king of Great Britain and the president of Uganda. But that doesn't make it true...
In Russian as in some other languages truth has several synonyms/words/meanings/..., but these several words each have their own meaning, for example pravda and istina.
That which exists in reality, reflects reality,
"Objective truth."
An assertion, a judgment verified by practice, experience.
That which corresponds to reality, the truth.
"To tell the truth."
An order based on justice, honesty.
"Seeking the truth."
ISTINA is the correspondence of our thoughts to reality
PRAVDA is ISTINA in the relationship between people's thoughts
So wikipedia gives an understanding of istina, but each person's istina is different. But humanity has only one pravda.
Turn on the subtitles.This is quite a significant film for the Russian and Ukrainian mentalities.
A similar question can unleash hatred between users, I'm just saying that there may be extremists here who are ready for anything to get rid of people with differing opinions.
But speaking about the choice itself, I would prefer not to answer it until I fully understand the political problems and disagreements of both countries or until the problem between them is resolved, so I will reduce the chance of angering or offending anyone.

Hate is necessary when dealing with the bad people, especially those who are supported by Jews. Dealing with such people through love and respect is absolutely not possible. You must stand up for what is true and right, even if that means having to break those devil-worshippers hearts.
+Avoiding difficult or controversial issues out of a fear of offending others is not a productive way to approach complex political problems. You must tell the truth, no matter how difficult it is. This is the only way we can hope to make progress and find a real solutions to the challenges we face, and fix this fucked up world.

You are right that the world is screwed up and morally backwards, but you have been deceived regarding the reasons behind it. It's because of selfishness, neoliberalism, capitalism, and so on and so forth, and the United States is no angel in this regard. They were the biggest perpetrators of this by far.
Note that Adolf Hitler supported The Protocols of the Elders of Zion and its variations. That was because they aligned with, and served as propaganda for, his cause. Thus, they are not entirely separate from the Nazi ideology, and actually were an integral part of it.

+Avoiding difficult or controversial issues out of a fear of offending others is not a productive way to approach complex political problems. You must tell the truth, no matter how difficult it is. This is the only way we can hope to make progress and find a real solutions to the challenges we face, and fix this fucked up world
True wisdom. The only way to make improvements is to speak truth and tear down the lies that hold society captive. The things that are the most dangerous to the existing order are new ideas, because they pierce through the notion that the current order is the only way society can exist.

Anyone can write that he is the king of Great Britain and the president of Uganda. But that doesn't make it true...
Ah.. the most frequently used argument against Wikipedia. There are several reasons this is not relevant.
First, any news source can write whatever they want, regardless, and many do. People can also say whatever they want in real life, and so on, but yet we often trust them because the vast majority of people tend to have morals and tell the truth, as otherwise communication would be useless.
Second, have you ever tried to edit Wikipedia articles to inject false information? If you get caught doing it you get banned, and your IP address can be blocked if you are a repeat offender. Wikipedia has very strict rules about accuracy, quality, sources, and transparency. It is very dedicated to being nonfiction, in simple terms.
They also don't accept frequently inaccurate sources, one of which happens to be The Daily Mail, which is hilarious given that is the source you just cited. It also dates to 2012, which means it is outdated, and you probably searched specifically for articles that support your own point to find something so obscure to begin with.
Anyway, the semantics of it all is interesting, but not entirely useful. It reminded me, though,, that I once asked ChatGPT a related question about facts, truth, and reality, and this was its answer:
ChatGPT has written
At a basic level, facts are pieces of information that are verifiable or can be demonstrated to be true or false. Reality, on the other hand, refers to the state of things as they actually exist, independent of our perceptions or beliefs about them. Truth is a concept that relates to the correspondence or agreement between facts and reality.

Simply put, words don't kill people unless they're REALLY LOUD.

Hate is necessary when dealing with the bad people, especially those who are supported by Jews. Dealing with such people through love and respect is absolutely not possible. You must stand up for what is true and right, even if that means having to break those devil-worshippers hearts.
+Avoiding difficult or controversial issues out of a fear of offending others is not a productive way to approach complex political problems. You must tell the truth, no matter how difficult it is. This is the only way we can hope to make progress and find a real solutions to the challenges we face, and fix this fucked up world.

Hate is necessary when dealing with the bad people, especially those who are supported by Jews. Dealing with such people through love and respect is absolutely not possible. You must stand up for what is true and right, even if that means having to break those devil-worshippers hearts.
+Avoiding difficult or controversial issues out of a fear of offending others is not a productive way to approach complex political problems. You must tell the truth, no matter how difficult it is. This is the only way we can hope to make progress and find a real solutions to the challenges we face, and fix this fucked up world.
What is wrong with people supported by jews and white europeans? You can`t hate them just because they on a higher tier of civilization than your people. It all depends on races and genes, sorry, but your fate is to envy and being a barbarian.
What`s wrong with colonialism? Where your country would be now if white Europeans won`t come there and build civilization one day?

I'm not saying that 9/11 was a conspiracy, nor that the Russian-Ukrainian war is a fake war to make people poor; this is bullshit and I know it. However, this does not mean that all conspiracy theories are lies or that Jews have nothing to do with all the chaos happening today.
I am just a real truther, a middle person, between extremists who view everything as a conspiracy and those who deny conspiracy theories altogether.
But the truth remains... Jews are the ones who control Europe, and anyone who researches this matter will never be able to deny it.
Your government is Jewish.
Your science is Jewish.
Your news channels are Jewish.
Your lifestyle is Jewish.
Most of the movements in Europe are either Jewish or controlled by Jews.
Jews have infiltrated many aspects of your life to the point where their presence is taken for granted.
“Having a television in your home is like having a Jew in your living room.”
Leonard E. Feeney, MICM; from “The Point” magazine, 1957
Leonard E. Feeney, MICM; from “The Point” magazine, 1957
Anyone who doubts my words can ask for proof. Let us discuss any topic, and we will see who is lying and who is telling the truth.
As for the one who claimed that there is no such thing as "The New World Order"... you may wanna check this out

George Bush Sr. New World Order Live Speech Sept 11 1991:
*There were more speeches like this one, contained stuff about NWO, United Nation, bala bla bla. They were removed by YouTube (jewtube), just as expected. Luckily, I saved them on my computer just in case. However, this one is enough.
Anyways, I have grown tired of discussing this topic with every lazy sheep, so do your own research and stop attacking people like me. fucking Freemasons slaves. I'm not discussing this anymore until I see a real reply with something good to debate on.

What is wrong with people supported by jews and white europeans? You can`t hate them just because they on a higher tier of civilization than your people. It all depends on races and genes, sorry, but your fate is to envy and being a barbarian.
My guy! That's not how it works! Despite claims of diversity commonly made by people, we're not genetically diverse at all. Wheat is actually more genetically diverse than humans, and by a long shot: https://www.rossidata.com/Wheat.
Anyway, any two humans differ, on average, by about 1 for every 1,000 DNA base pairs, or 0.1%. Genetic differences do exist, but they are not significant, and they're random anyway.
Also, take a word of wisdom from Wikipedia:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation has written
The lack of discontinuities in genetic distances between human populations, absence of discrete branches in the human species, and striking homogeneity of human beings globally, imply that there is no scientific basis for inferring races or subspecies in humans, and for most traits, there is much more variation within populations than between them.
So yeah, not much difference. The advantage of humans comes partially because we're so similar to each other. It means we can better understand each other, communicate socially, and so on. In fact, homogeneity is part of how we became so advanced, because we were able to create and adhere to universal standards for language, morals, social norms, etcetera.
Scientific racism is as much science as conspiracy theories are accurate historical facts.
They aren't.

What`s wrong with colonialism? Where your country would be now if white Europeans won`t come there and build civilization one day?
Probably a lot better. Africa was relatively stable before colonists destabilized it. Similar to how George Bush had to create a government in Iraq after destabilizing the entire civilization, so too did Europeans. Even worse, though, is that the civilizations the Europeans built exploited the local populations and entrenched them in poverty for centuries.
Without European intervention, Africa would probably look far more like the relatively developed economies seen today. Instead it is riddled with dictatorships and political turmoil.
Many, many excuses are commonly given not to pay reparations. Because of that, Africa is not receiving much economic support for the devastation that wreaked havoc on its long-term economic prospects.
And, just to cap it all off, we're still exploiting them. Not on the same levels, sure, but we haven't actually stopped. We still do it.
I hate to come about this way to friends of mine. However, putting loyalty over truth will always lead to destruction, as any loyal followers of dictatorships will show, so I choose truth.

But the truth remains... Jews are the ones who control Europe, and anyone who researches this matter will never be able to deny it.
I have researched many matters, including power: who holds power, how it is maintained, the motives of those in power, and how it is achieved to begin with. I even made a thread about it:

There is no credible evidence that points to Jews.
There is, however, significant evidence of people, historically, making claims that "The Jews are controlling everything", in order to gain power, campaigning on promises to "get rid of the Jews" who were, according to them, controlling everything and making everything worse.
Those people who were making those claims eventually did get ahold of they power they were after. Do you know what they did?
I hope you paid attention in history class...

I am just a real truther, a middle person, between extremists who view everything as a conspiracy and those who deny conspiracy theories altogether.
Read this enlightening bit of info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_equivalence
Now, take a wild guess at the message I am trying to convey here...

Your government is Jewish.
Your science is Jewish.
Your news channels are Jewish.
Your lifestyle is Jewish.
Your science is Jewish.
Your news channels are Jewish.
Your lifestyle is Jewish.
Well, you're right about the government and news channels being Jewish, but only by the slang meaning of the term

The US does NOT want to impose a so called "new world order"
True. The U.S. already did that a long time ago, and it sucks. A new world order would be a heck of a lot better than the what currently exists.
The conspiracy theories about a new world order are false, but plans for one are not. The plans generally consist of improving the current world order so it stops ruining lives, rather than the alternative like many of the conspiracy theorists claim.
I myself made plans for a new world order. See

Sorry for my bad English, I wrote this using the help of Google Translate
No worries. I think it has actually led to a noticeable improvement in the quality of your writing, to be honest.