EDIT: OMG, *facepalm* I just realised that this is the Lua help thread, my deepest apologies!
This happens to everyone once in a while, don't worry.
function checkweapon(id,weapon) 	local weapons = playerweapons(id) 	for i = 1, #weapons do 		if weapons[i] == weapon then 			return true 		end 	end 	return false end
local loaded_images = {}; function load_image(path, mode, pl) 	mode = mode or 0; 	pl = pl or 0; 	local f = io.open(path); 	if ( f == nil ) then 		return error("can not find "..path); 	end 	f:close(); 	 	table.insert(loaded_images, {[0]=path, id = image(path,0,0,mode,pl)}); 	return loaded_images[#loaded_images]["id"]; end
local loaded_images = {}; function load_image(path, mode, pl) 	mode = mode or 0; 	pl = pl or 0; 	local f = io.open(path); 	if ( f == nil ) then 		return error("can not find "..path); 	end 	f:close(); 	 	table.insert(loaded_images, {[0]=path, id = image(path,0,0,mode,pl)}); 	return loaded_images[#loaded_images]["id"]; end
load_image("./graphics/weapons/bomb.bmp"); -- Some data on that image is stored in loaded_images imagepos(loaded_images[#loaded_images].id, 50, 75, 0);
load_image("splash.png") -- it is at loaded_images[0] load_image("player.bmp") --[[-- 	Now the image player.bmp is at 0 	and splash.png is at 1 --]]--
function findImageIDWithPath (path) 	local ret = {}; 	for k, v in pairs(loaded_images) do 		if ( loaded_images[k][0] == path ) then 			table.insert(ret, 0, k); 		end 	end 	return ret; end
addhook("serveraction","za_action") function za_action(id,action) 	if (action == 1) then 		if player(id,"team") == 2 then 			menu(id,"-SCORE POINTS-BUY MENU-,"..item[1].."|PRICE:".itemprice[1]..","..item[2].."|PRICE:".itemprice[2]..","..item[3].."|PRICE:".itemprice[3]..","..item[4].."|PRICE:".itemprice[4]..","..item[5].."|PRICE:".itemprice[5]..","..item[6].."|PRICE:".itemprice[6]..","..item[7].."|PRICE:".itemprice[7]..","..item[8].."|PRICE:".itemprice[8]..","..item[9].."|PRICE:".itemprice[9].."") 		end 	end end addhook("menu","za_menu") function za_menu(id,title,key) 	if (title == "-SCORE POINTS-BUY MENU-") then if (key == 1) then if player(id,"score") >= itemprice[1] then msg2(id,"©000200000BOUGHT:"..item[1].." FOR:"..itemprice[1].."|SCORE POINTS") parse("setmaxhealth "..id.." 250") parse("setarmor "..id.." 200") parse("setscore "..id.." "..player(id,"score")-itemprice[1].."") if (key == 2) then if player(id,"score") >= itemprice[2] then msg2(id,"©000200000BOUGHT:"..item[2].." FOR:"..itemprice[2].."|SCORE POINTS") parse("speedmod "..id.." 10") parse("setscore "..id.." "..player(id,"score")-itemprice[2].."") if (key == 3) then if player(id,"score") >= itemprice[3] then msg2(id,"©000200000BOUGHT:"..item[3].." FOR:"..itemprice[3].."|SCORE POINTS") noreload[id] = 1 parse("setscore "..id.." "..player(id,"score")-itemprice[3].."") end end end end end end end end
addhook("movetile","mypos") function mypos(id,x,y) parse('hudtxt2 ..id.. 9 "©255255255Your Tile X,Y '..x..' and '..y..'" 13 350 0') end addhook("move","mypos2") function mypos2(id,x,y,walk) parse('hudtxt2 ..id.. 10 "©255255255Your X,Y '..x..' and '..y..'" 13 380 0') end
parse("hudtxt2 "..align.." "..i.." "'..text..'" "..x.." "..y)
parse("hudtxt2 "..align.." "..i.." "'..text..'" "..x.." "..y)
parse('hudtxt '..id..' "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y)
parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' '..idd..' "'..text..'" '..x..' '..y..' '..align)
if (player(id,"name") == "newbie") then
if player(id,"name") == "newbie" then
addhook("say","example") function example(id,message)
addhook("say","example") function example(p,t)