
Stranded on MAC
5 replies
Its difficult to setup, but when u get it done.
You will be able to play PC games.
PartyPooPer has written
Since i have a mac and a PC...
Its difficult to setup, but when u get it done.
You will be able to play PC games.
Its difficult to setup, but when u get it done.
You will be able to play PC games.
You can run PC games, but not all of them.
Check out Parellels.
There will be no Mac or Linux port because of that, sorry.
Wine works on Mac and Linux and there are a few tutorials on how to install directX into wine.
So with a lot of manual configuration, I think it is possible.
A user called miezebieze wanted me to modify my Mod Viewer so she could use it on Linux through Mono, so she might have some more information on how to get it running in Wine, which should be easily translatable to the Mac version.
Admin/mod comment
cs2d and cc have mac releases. just hit the official download site