it is just one
after small time
Just a reminder - my halloween map is finished !
Description: it's halloween, the undead have risen and are destroying the city ! fortunetly one scientist has found a way to get rid of all the undead, but there is one problem...he and a group of people are sorrounded by an army of undead ! can he survive untill backup arrives !? Will the world be destroyed by the undead !?
Why am i asking you these questions !?
Play my map and find out !
ok now here is my waypoints wich wasnt added to some maps of the default cs2d for example noskill and castle i created a waypoints for everymaps wich didnt have until now the wapoints are on the maps:
-----------------------------> d
wnload here
and besides maybe some waypoint probably on italy woul'nd be that good i try to make the goodles i can
Your map was not a very good map. One pro. ( good thing / positive thing ) was the music, but the rest was all simple. You are saying undead, and zombies, Were are they make sprites that if you step in a range of the zombies or unded you get hurt soon I will show you what i mean. Go get images off the web like the ad on there is an add for somthing scary go on that and get images off of. Use Gimp to save the image as a BMP fileso you can use it as a sprite.I will post an edited one if it is ok with you :Just to show you what i mean: so is it ok?
And that is good for the waypoints I will get them now
P.S. Sorry if I hurt your feelings or discourged you to stop making maps, if I did, I didnt mean to and i know how it feels. well i guess i should have taken more time with it... ameer why are you bahaving like that maybe munx havent got time for this or somethink elase i like you alll maps even hawollen
I am just saying i know you can do better.
And im sorry. edited 8×, last 29.10.06 09:06:54 pm
I refuse to make waypoints for maps I make or download.
Admin/mod comment
this is not of present interest /EwokChieftain well you dont cuz i didnt sent them to you by chat or post them in here!!!
you mean tiles not graphic you cant make maps with other graphich man
oh and rossi.bmp, ronaldinho.bmp you place them in the tiles folder so i complete one of the goodlest maps and il publicate it tomorow if you want
and it will be publicated tomorow not now its called fy_dustie_cool be pantent
edited 1×, last 07.11.06 07:06:36 pm