Oh, good. Glad you like it.
Admin/mod comment
do not use the img-tag with big images Looks cool, are you using a mod in the screenshot? It looks like one.... :?: i almost complete my own dust
but its not yet finished so be patient and waiiiit
Sounds cool, did you edit the palletes? Or just modify the level? no i didnt edit nothing i just start my own level and its size - 50/50
Oh, cool. This should be fun to see!
Can't wait to see it! ok but why are you writing so much?
What? You mean posting so much? Lol, that's what I do!
whatever you make every thread in OT ..
@ameer:i downloaded you map and i like it its good my and its worth try it
Actually I don't make many posts in the OT section. But if you mean, I make every thread OT, then well, I do do that a lot!! Lol, that's a problem of mine.....
try to avoid this in the future and dont post here for this reason cuz we two make off topic alot so dont post anymore for this in here discus the maps or post a map okay?
Yah, sure, whatever.
I already know..... My only concern is that most of your messages could be interpreted as useless spam, so I'd watch how often you post useless info. (I want to keep this post short to ensure it isn't spam). Yes, I understand your point. I guess the main reason is that this hole forum is fairly "thrown together" and not many of the posts at all are that good. Plus there is a small amount of active users, and, well, you get the point. But I'm on major forums, and I do make lots of non-spammy posts.
no i was not using a mod, but does anyone have my map? people dont upload at shelve and share or whatever it is its so slow i've been waiting atleast 2 hours
Yes! Store and share is really slow! I don't use it anymore. 
Ameer: Oh, I don't think I have that one. I'll check it out......