two Questions (map editor)
two Questions (map editor)
4 replies 1. uh,i know its a dumb question but how do i make walls? i made a map but the bots walk off every where
2. Where can i get more tiles?
Thats it
what you mean the old or the new editor?
if it is in the new choose type map what you are going to create then in left you will see many parts that you will need includes wall 
if the map you choised is dust 2 in left you will see the parts of dust 2 so you can make such map.
very easy um,where can i get the new editor? iv had this game for an hour and have no clue whats going on
1. Select the tile you want set as a wall, then go below the tileset display and click Tile Properties, then select "Wall" or whatever else you want to set a tile to. If you want that tile to be set to "Wall" permanently for every map that uses that tileset, also select "Save as Default."
2a. Look in your cs2d folder/gfx/tiles. If you want to use a specific "tileset" on your map, remember the name of the tileset file (i.e. dust2.bmp) and then in the Map Options in the editor, go to where it says Tileset or something like that, and type in the tileset file you want to use. Note: the default is "normal.bmp" (i think, but I don't have the program right in front of me, so I'm not sure if all the titles of each section are correct, but you'll still get the idea).
2b. If you want a brand new, totally different tileset with different tiles, you can make your own. I suggest making a copy of the file gfx/tiles/blank.bmp, and filling in your tiles (must be 32x32 pixels) into the red and dark red checkered squares, and then saving the tileset with a new name.