i want a code of !bringall when say !bringall then bring all of players to me.
Can Someone give me that code??
addhook("say","tome") function tome(id,txt) 	if txt == "!bringall" then 		if player(id,"health") > 0 then 			for _, s in pairs(player(0,"tableliving")) do 				if s ~= id then 					parse("setpos "..s.." "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y")) 				end 			end 		end 		return 1 	end end
addhook("say","a") function a(id,txt) 	if txt == "!bringall" then 		for i = 1,32 do 			parse("setpos "..i.." "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y")) 		end 		return 1 	end end
addhook("say","a") function a(id,txt) 	if txt == "!bringall" then 		for i = 1,32 do 			parse("setpos "..i.." "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y")) 		end 		return 1 	end end
for i = 1,32 do 			parse("setpos "..i.." "..player(id,"x").." "..player(id,"y"))
for i = 1,32 do
for n, w in pairs(player(0, 'tableliving')) do 	parse('setpos '.. id ..' '.. player(id, 'x') ..' '.. player(id, 'y')) end
parse('setpos '.. id ..' '.. player(id, 'x') ..' '.. player(id, 'y'))
for _, pl in pairs(player(0, 'tableliving')) do 	parse('setpos '.. pl ..' '.. player(id, 'x') ..' '.. player(id, 'y')) end