CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!/ontopic
What about turret what you can capture? I asked it earlier.
Arguments: spawned item ID, tiles the items were spawned on
(not necessary as items can be removed by Lua) return 1: don't spawn
Based on Supply item spawn on gate field
Talented Doge has written
I hope CS2D may support UTF-8, and displays Chinese, Japanese etc.
I'm actually glad that CS2D doesn't support UTF-8.
I would never want to see shit like "└໒( ” x ͟ʖ x ” )७┘" or "ლ(~•̀︿•́~)つ︻̷┻̿═━一" as nicknames there.
Actually, I wonder why it has not been possible to do so until today.
A HE/Flash could have a second option being dropped. If you use the right mouse button, the player drops the HE/flash without any noise on the spot. He just lets it fall down.
The nightvision should be turned into sunglasses to reduce the flash effect instead of being an almost useless nightvision.
The tactical shield should not be a standard weapon in the buy menu, instead a special one like the laser or the portal gun.
Players should not see weapons/flying nades/shots behind the fog of war effect.
And about this one I'm not sure: I think when someone hides in the smoke and writes a message in the chat, that you can see the chat-bubble in the smoke. Also, when you write in the chat and the chat bubble appears, and then you move into the fog of war effect, the players who has seen the bubble will still see it for the short time it is active.
(Btw, could you comment my long post on page 76? I really wonder if you/or any user here have thought about that or if I'm the only one)
edited 1×, last 24.05.15 02:25:16 pm
saint- has written
Players should not see weapons/flying nades/shots behind the fog of war effect.
It would be amazing, great idea.
Multicolored spraylogos need more space (transmission) and can be used to spray fake stuff (fake turret, fake player, fake item...). It has been suggested already and I think it's better NOT to have them.
At your previous post (I read it before but didn't feel like commenting it):
KpD in scoreboard: Would be nice but there is not enough space for it
Remove LAN tab: I really want to keep it to emphasize that CS2D supports it. But yes, it actually makes no real sense because it would only display ONE server max anyway because only one port is checked.
Remove easter egg: For new people it's still new. Makes no sense to remove it.
Changing how servers are listed (top servers / display one per map): Could make the list more attractive indeed, but wouldn't really solve any problem. It doesn't magically increase the number of overall players. And players already do automatically join servers where the most action is going on anyway. You don't need to help them with that. Also it would hide their custom servers and it would probably confuse them and lead to even more "where is my server" threads.
Limited map / server name length: It's already limited (at least for server names). But yes, I agree that this is a good idea. Those long names are really annoying and ugly.
Right mouse knife kill no sound/effect: It's meant to be a "strong" attack (therefore it's slower), not a stealth attack!
Also please read the ENTIRE (yes, seriously) thread before posting. I don't want to comment on the same stuff again and again. The see stuff in fog of war thing has been suggested several times for example and I also commented on it already at least once.
edited 2×, last 24.05.15 03:12:17 pm
Hey, sorry for off topic but I remember you were talking about adding a built-in UI support through Lua, so have you yet decided on whether or not you will add such feature? If so, I might aswell return to CS2D Lua scripting scene.
So lets say I join a server and I can select:
and so on. Now yes, I believe not everyone would be fine with being asked EVERY TIME what they want to download. Thus, I suggest to add an option
Download Files : All/Images/Sounds/<X amount of data/Selected
Rainoth has written
I suggest being able to select which files you want to download.
What about something like prioritys?
There are like 3 servertransfer files (high, medium, low priority) and the user can decide which priority he wants to download. (Hopefully the server´s owner won´t put everything on high priority list)
@ Yates: How so? Lets say your mod plays a sound when you level up or something. You choose not to download that file. What do you lose out of it?
This option doesn't disable downloading files. It just allows people to choose what they want and what they don't.
Here's another example:
I'm joining a jail server which has a disco. I'm not willing to download sounds in the disco that would take me minutes to download (if hoster has bad net) but I want to download ambient, door, alarm and similar sounds. Currently there's no option to dowload it such way. You could say I would choose "less than X amount of data" to avoid big sound files but what if the mentioned "ambient" sound is big or there's a big image or maybe I want to download only sounds, not images.
Tl;dr there's no way to properly customize how you want to download files. Having such an option would aid everyone greatly. Also, as I've mentioned, it's optional so it wouldn't break anything.
edited 1×, last 24.05.15 07:22:44 pm
You can do it by using reqcld with mode 4 and kicking player if he doesn't have the file downloaded. In kick reason you may specify what files are needed.
unbind <key>
GeoB99 has written
I suggest to add this command:
It'd be a preferable way to unbind a key by simply using this command and write the key to unbind it.
unbind <key>
It's already exists ..
btw i suggest adding autorun.txt for servers !
this file allow the server to make when the player join his binds are already done , same as when i go to iran town , there is some binds , and when you reconnect you have to re write them again , but with this u can just join and before joining a menu would pop up saying (" This server uses autorun.txt, commands :- ....")
edited 1×, last 27.05.15 05:46:01 pm