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Englisch Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

Yes, sure, different water levels are possible with this. You don't just have one huge water surface at one level anymore like in SII but you can create as many lakes as you want with different water levels.

I actually didn't plan to make liquids scriptable. I'll probably reconsider this though because I really like the idea to have different water styles and drift sand and stuff like that.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

No, the ocean is still just a huge plane which covers everything. This might be changed later though.
At the moment it just means that you can create additional lakes at HIGHER levels.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user DC hat geschrieben
(same one which is used for Carnage Contest and Counter-Strike 2D as well). This allows me to implement the multiplayer code of the actual game and I already started to do so.

Thats more than just great!

user DC hat geschrieben

SIII is getting better and better

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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Suddenly because Minecraft has lava Stranded III will look like Minecraft.

I wish you would all judge your own logic. I am sick of doing so myself.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

I also think, lava is a good idea. And it´s not unrealistic. Think about isles with volcanos and streams of lava into the ocean.
Some sort of volcano eruptions would be very cool btw.
That would be epic

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

There is no lava yet even though it appears in the editor. What are volcanoes to you? For me they are basically hills with fire/smoke effects. This is clearly possible. If you expect dynamically generated lava rivers coming out of them: MIGHT be possible but I'm still not sure if I'll manage to do this and make it work fast enough without lags + sync it over the internet.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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About Earth is like a minecraft to you either just because of lava?

Just if someone wants to hear my opinion about lava...
Volcanoes are cool'n'stuff, and when it sprinkles lava from itself with a nice quake under your legs, definately would make player shit brix.

And i dont remember this question mentioned before, would be possible to dig ground? If yes (pls dont say "BOO MINECRAFT" lol q-p) then underground lava lakes would be magnificent and amazing.

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

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user Assassin moder hat geschrieben
@user Nem: No blocks, and voxel terrain will be great, but as @user DC: say "It's use much of memory" so I don't know if he use it.

At second thought, "digging" would be hard to implement with nice looking and not much memory eaten. But maybe some specific areas, i mean like a weak stones with slightly different texture in a mountain which open passage to something when destroyed, dunno

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

Nice update! By the way, what do your mean when you said "automatic/dynamic rivers"?
Also, what about climate and weather? Do you plan only tropical environment or something else? More cold and snowy

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

User Off Offline

I think dynamic rivers, as explained in the other post about development on s3. In Unity, the water script detects land and makes changes according to it. Another thing might be something like water levels, or making it realistic by flowing water or... maybe a waterfall or something like that!! Can you do that DC?

EDIT: Maybe auto-generated in Editor mode.


user Yates hat geschrieben

Suddenly because Minecraft has lava Stranded III will look like Minecraft.

I wish you would all judge your own logic. I am sick of doing so myself.

Minecraft : S3
Made of blocks. : Not made of blocks.
A BIT of physics. : Probably realistic.
Haz exploding creepers. : DOES NOT HAVE

How the (BLEEP!) will S3 look like Minecraft just because it has lava? So I make a survival game with lava, it magically transforms into Minecraft?

Don't take offence to this, but I am just generally annoyed with your argument. Just because a game has lava, it doesn't transform into Minecraft. If so, Notch would be busy sending copyright claims all over the net.

Same to all the others.
1× editiert, zuletzt 12.03.13 08:13:33

alt Re: Stranded III Dev. Blog - Comments

Admin On Online

Stranded existed a long time before Minecraft already. Minecraft took ideas from Stranded not the other way around. End of story and end of Minecraft-clone discussion.

Also that's how good games are created: Take good aspects from existing games (and maybe new ideas) and combine them to create something even better. There is absolutely nothing bad about this.
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