Projects Stranded III Dev. Blog - CommentsSome suspense would be nice...
edited 1×, last 13.05.13 08:54:27 pm
AssassinLV has written
@ DC, haha Rockstar North tactics about GTA IV!!!
GTA IV sucks tho, I bought it few days ago..
mafia_man has written
GTA IV sucks tho, I bought it few days ago..
AssassinLV has written
@ DC, haha Rockstar North tactics about GTA IV!!!
GTA IV sucks tho, I bought it few days ago..
Don't even talk to me. GTA IV is one of the best games ever made.
Just want to throw it in here..
It's great to see that this game still is developing,
-that it's not abandoned or cancelled,
like most good "indie" games eventually get theese days..
Why dont you guys put theese games up at
DC has written
No, there is more suspense if you don't know what to expect...
It's the suspense of knowing nothing that I love when I play such games as Stranded 2, Minecraft and Don't Starve.
They're not as fun after you've explored everything.
The_Industrialist has written
hi , this is my first time on unreal software , stranded 2 was a jewel and i have made 2 mods for it and is nice to see you working on the 3! However , if the game have much requirements i cant play it sadly i have a slow comp and, it have any special requirement?
Unafortunately, No.
You'll have to update your drivers or buy a new PC
zazz has written
Unafortunately, No.
You'll have to update your drivers or buy a new PC
You'll have to update your drivers or buy a new PC
How do you know? e_e
dead soul has written
I don't know about you guys but I mostly buy new PC every 4-5 years or upgrade the part/s on current one and DC said that alpha will maybe be out in summer and that is maybe so there is a lot of time for you to buy new PC or upgrade it if you want to play finished game
not really..dont have to buy or upgrade pc. this baby can hold more stuff i hope.
dead soul has written
I don't know about you guys but I mostly buy new PC every 4-5 years or upgrade the part/s on current one and DC said that alpha will maybe be out in summer and that is maybe so there is a lot of time for you to buy new PC or upgrade it if you want to play finished game
I'm getting a graphics card that should be able to handle most current gen games like Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, Deus Ex: HR, in a couple weeks so I should be fine.
Sabowulf has written
How do you know? e_e
zazz has written
Unafortunately, No.
You'll have to update your drivers or buy a new PC
You'll have to update your drivers or buy a new PC
How do you know? e_e
Because you said that your pc is a fucking shit and you won't be able to play it?