
is a tan/green lacy grassy looking weed with a red flower on top.
Found some and got cured!

You take Lemon Grass to cure FEVER.
Then you take Goldenseal to cure INFECTION
If you have a FEVER you must cure that FIRST, before you can cure INFECTION.
If you only have an INFECTION, the "longer" you wait the more it takes of Goldenseal to cure. Up to 1-4 goldenseal depending on how long you been infected.

I believe you had a high you ate the lemon grass the "text" will say: "Fever Reduced!" "You still have a fever, you need more lemon grass."
so you have to eat more lemon grass...until your fever is gone.
Then work on the infection, eating golden seal roots.

I did run into a slight issue though, while trying it out

Every time I try to sprint, the game freezes for a second or so. Is this a known thing, or am I perhaps the first with such problem?
If possible, is there a way to fix this? (Running W7 as OS, even moved the game folder to my SSD drive in case it was just a long script having to be loaded every single time, to try to speed it up, but it didn't seem to have changed anything)
when you get you body temp down with lemon grass it should say the fever is can jump in the ocean and get wet or pour a bottle of water on yourself...when wet, it lowers body temp. Drinking liquids also lowers BT if not in fever state.
if your standing by a fire it raises your BT also.
Your temp will continue to rise as long as your wound is infected.
(this and other info's in the DIARY under OPERATIONS)
Hey welcome back!
Yes there is a lag spike when hitting shift to run. It's a crappy engine for such a big mod...It seems less noticeable as your skill levels rise and your default speed increases. Some computers run this mod better than others...idk.
thanks for the compliments!

Thanks for the quick response too! You're amazing.
Edit: Or alternatively, if there was a way to make it a toggle hotkey, where it's only needed to press Shift once, and the sprint toggle. That'd be great too.
So i could script that, but it would break those features.
Every 7th day you get a Survivor Skill level up. It includes a speed boost each level. The lag spike gets less noticeable as you advance. Being wet makes you slower (at the start you are wet), and the more weight you carry makes you slower. Point being, the lag spike seems more noticeable the slower you are.
At the start of the game your character washed ashore and is not physically prepared to be stranded on an island... he is half drowned, exhausted, and wet...thus extra slow. Over time he gets stronger/faster and gains in abilities...gotta give him some time to acclimate to his environment.
Made a new keybind, and moved the on:keyrelease section of the sprint script to a 2nd keybind.
And I fully get the reasoning while the character is slow at first, immersion and all that. It's really cool and clever - to be honest.
A side question, if you know the answer: Why does the game even have a lag spike every single time I use a keybind from the mod, or do something around the inventory?
Could it be related to the fact that most of the game's core scripts are in one file (game.inf), and perhaps the program has to scroll through the whole file to access one script?
So basically when you hit shift to sprint, the scripts are processed by the engine separately, causing a "delay in execution" of the sprint script result. (players speed is increased).
The problem: We have to have the 3 second global script as it is the backbone of the mod's many features. This script is larger than I would like it to be, but I can not make it any smaller or faster. So while the engine processes it every 3 seconds, hitting the shift key in the middle of that running script, and executing the speed script, interferes with it much of the time (is delayed).
thank you for checking out the mod, enjoy.

Anyways, I have a few quick questions about the features of this here masterpiece. I enjoy it a lot so far, but - I do tend to die a lot

Is there any #Certified guide on how to go through the first few days without absolutely starving to death?
I have had one seemingly unlucky island where I couldn't find a single flint shard. Is it possible for the map to generate without them?
At which mining level do I start getting iron from nodes, I only seem to be getting coal nuggets from all of them...
And my final question: Can I run out of animals/rocks/trees/leaves/bark etc, the basic stuff completely, if I do not manage them properly

Side question: Are you still playing your own mod?

Edit: I noticed the latest update's notes. You mentioned how you divided the script into smaller parts, more engine friendly. Perhaps it is the key for overall less tick lag, divide it into as many files as possible, instead of few larger files? I'd love to try doing it on my own, sadly I do kinda lack the skills required. Been asking my friend if she could help me with it, and while she has some knowledge of C++ and C#, she hasn't yet had any experience with Blitz3D and Blitz in general, for pretty obvious reasons.
Also, lemme know if posting such questions and stuff is alright here on the mod's thread, or if you'd rather move it to a conversation inbetween me and you, through the site's messages

edited 1×, last 21.10.20 11:13:56 pm
2) Many objects are item specific. Like a dead vine tree gives vines, while the large palm yields bark, or dead branchy bush give branches. etc. baby bamboo provides extra sugar, can be eaten to curb exhaustion and stay awake longer.
3) Leaves can be chewed for nutrition. leafy bushes and big leaf plants give more leaves. The beach can be very food abundant, run the beach before settling down somewhere...avoid hostiles.
4) Iron rock has more silver looking ore while the coal rock has dark grey looking ore. Iron rock yields iron early on.
5) bark + branch can start a fire if you cant find flint. Amounts of flint always spawn somewhere per island size. If you cant find flint right away, 2 stones and a branch can make a low grade knife.
6) A basic weapon like spears or poison blowgun darts will help hunt smaller game early on.
7) Bark can be "used" searched for slim and early can bring a steady food source.
8 ) A ton of plants can be grown and harvested. Fertilizer increases harvest. Just need to make a planting stake for certain types. Most important early is the "Crop Stake".
9) The Diary is full of crafting combinations and operations information. Take some time to skim through both sections.
10) It takes time to learn the importance of some items, each map is different and unpredictable. But settling near a cotton/wool source, a rock or 2 you can beat with a hammer and hollow, for catching water or making a forge, can give an advantage. (cotton/wool makes cords)
11) Yes, you can extinct animals or vegetation, over time there is a chance new one will spawn if extinct.
12) 12 cords and a branch can make a net. It can beat the shit out of stuff with 0 use it to collect resources from special the cotton bush.
13) Meats, fruits, vegetables will despawn if left on the ground...other stuff does not. So unload extra stuff you dont need to carry at your camp, when you decide to make camp....will increase your speed a bit.
14) If you poison an animal with a blowgun dart or arrow they will eventually die. If you cut an animal with a bladed weapon they will eventually bleed out. Often times patience can work in your favor.
15) the descriptions on items in your inventory when you hover over them. They have much info and clues. Also, note the color graphic on edible items icons in your inventory, indicating what that item replenishes.
Yes, I still play my own mod. Each new game results in very different scenarios and adventures. I still enjoy the mod, as I tried to make this mod in a way that I can enjoy the author...I made it a point to make things random so even I do not have an advantage during the game. The longer you live the more you realize how deep this mod is. It's WAY deep.
edited 6×, last 22.10.20 04:39:55 am
Also: Very informative. Thank you sooo much.
No, it only effects your purple exhaustion just need to find sugar from baby bamboo and ration it. There are a few other items you might find that also help alleviate exhaustion.
save some food/thirst items up and on the 3rd day sleep max hours. (you will get a message "you are sleep deprived!") Then eat/drink when you wake up.
you should be able to gather and hunt a lot more food, and get more accomplished in your first 3 days. By not sleeping it away, and waking up hungry/thirsty 3 times you get more done.
p.s. Until you get established, don't run/sprint unless you have is exhausting and drains your bars faster.
p.p.s. Most everything living has a health bar. If you do not destroy a cotton bush for example, it will regenerate health each day.
good luck!
edited 4×, last 22.10.20 01:49:30 pm