Thanks for checking out the distiller, yell if you notice anything, but should be good. I added to the Diary Distiller info: Saltwater has a long distill time...the Grainwater has a medium distill time,..and Water has a short boiling time.
Could you be more specific about the gloves? What did you discover exactly? I edited the script for a different problem, aside from the gloves.
Once in a while you guys post an idea that really hits the nail on the head. I love the idea of attracting fish to a specific location through building an additional object that makes sense. I could make a type of "chum" attractor that would actually spawn fish from it...provided you have chum in it. We could make chum from cutting up fish meat, as this attractor would unlock at the highest level of fishing I think...so fish would be plentiful.
I even like the idea of a dock light...or if I could figure out a way to script setting the lantern down on the ground, after lighting it.(been working on that one for like several months). The theory of using a light to fish is true, so-much-so that it is against the law where I live...not allowed to fish with a spot light of any kind or they take all your fishing gear and license, and fine you.
edit: really cool link! great ideas!