edited 1×, last 04.09.13 06:42:02 pm

Unrealsoftware forum bug.
19 replies

Re: Unrealsoftware forum bug.
Deleted User
It's what I assumed even before watching it. You simply have to check the checkbox above the poll "Edit and reset poll". Poll changes will not take effect if you don't check this. Changing polls is (for regular users) only possible with a reset (removing all votes) to make manipulations impossible.
I admit that the way this is solved is not very user friendly. I probably should add at least a small message with JavaScript that pops up as soon as the user makes any changes to a poll.

So do this: Want less idiots here? (You won't get rid of me this way, sorry) - Make all your check boxes at the top of registration. People be all confused that the registration button doesn't work but good guys (Or complete assholes like me) will become majority of registered and posting users because we have awesome eyes (Including night vision, trust me. Don't have it? You're not awesome).
No it doesn't. English forum, not Tunisian rap crap. They are spittin' out better English than you are typing it.
Pool has left the building yo.
edited 1×, last 04.09.13 07:28:34 pm
My post tells you why he didn't ask. Look carefully.
No it doesn't. English forum, not Tunisian rap crap. They are spittin' out better English than you are typing it.
Pool has left the building yo.
Pool has left the building yo.
Not tunisian rap.

Couldn't you just pm DC, you had to create a special thread for that?
edited 1×, last 04.09.13 10:03:15 pm
Re: Unrealsoftware forum bug.
Deleted User
By 'colon' you mean 'comma'?

Couldn't you just pm DC, you had to create a special thread for that?
Would you please stop giving really bad advice?
In general, this is true in most cases:

So creating a thread was the right thing in this situation. I can even tell you why:
1. Other people might have the same problem and they might find this thread useful.
2. It's possible that others also know what he did wrong. It's just a coincidence that I answered first.
Keep in mind that I'm busy and that I receive a lot of PMs anyway. I'm very thankful for threads instead of PMs.

Keep in mind that I'm busy and that I receive a lot of PMs anyway. I'm very thankful for threads instead of PMs.
Shit man, average 3 PM's a day. That's so much!
Then again after the 2nd time you read this and understand I'm full of sarcasm you'll be posting that people send emails and stuff. I would bet you get more PM's than emails from Unreal Software users/CS2D players.
No really. Answering a few questions isn't that hard or annoying (Unless questions are retarded). Block everyone if you don't want PM's.

Or simply the same shit again and again. It's the most annoying crap you can imagine - and I'm doing that for a decade now. So please forgive me that I take the chance to tell people that threads are the better solution (they ignore it anyway...).

Oh sweet Mr.
Yates you have no clue what you are talking about.
[...crap about it being stupid/annoying questions..]

[...crap about it being stupid/annoying questions..]

Answering a few questions isn't that hard or annoying (Unless questions are retarded).
It seems I do.
I know how it feels, eat some chocolate and it'll all be fine honey.
You are right, but the reversed psychology "agree if you're clever" just makes me want to do the opposite and disagree. But I am reasonable so I'll take a bite.
You may have had questions about registration millions of times, I have had requests for unbans and scripts (You also) millions of times. So I get the shit people send.
My message though is that this:

I receive a lot of PMs anyway.
Is either wrong or terribly wrong.
edited 1×, last 05.09.13 12:21:30 am

Wow , my thread looks so hot now.
Admin/mod comment

DC would you prefer me to write a thread to tell you personal info that id prefer to stay private- or to PM you the models and such i have been, that i think would be bad if others saw my works before finalized...

...PM you the models and such i have been, that i think would be bad if others saw my works before finalized...
That is definitely not something you should do. I think it would be fair to assume that DC has enough stuff of his own to care about besides your models that you want to run by him before they see the light of day.
This is why the file archive exists - for people to provide feedback and constructively criticize your creations in order for you to improve your skills, and by extension the quality of your work.
why me status i s i d i o t?
Admin/mod comment