do you agree if i insert the sims 1 to unreal software edited 1×, last 18.03.14 12:03:25 pm
Sims is EA game.., not Unreal Software... I did not got the point, I believe it's off-topic to be in this section of Forum... DC Admin Offline
I do not even understand your question. What do you mean with "enter"? Do you want to upload it or give a download link? That would be illegal. Sims is a commercial game. You are not allowed to share it!
Also: Moved to Off-Topic! This is not related to Unreal Software. Depends on if he wants to share the freeplay or demo. XoOt Super User Offline
Guess he cant read ... unreal software is a own game developer and doesnt share any other games except its own. You can add a link for the demo in any topic but you're not allowed to share illegal gamesources. lets beat you can upload games here that they isnt in US.DE! YOUR OWN GAME LOL Mami Tomoe has written
lets beat you can upload games here that they isnt in US.DE! YOUR OWN GAME LOL
I'm sure no one understand what you just said.
But Don't upload Games which are already Done or released I Think He Thinks That CS2D CC S1 S2 S3 MM Is Just Uploded Games By Random Creators So He Wants To Put Sims 1 In US More Sorry For Bad En And Sorry For Reply When The Thred Is Old
Admin/mod comment
Why did you even feel the need to reply? /Engi