- Craft with rag and alcohol molotov cocktails.
- Katana (high damage, low knockback)
- Fireaxe (medium knockback & damage)
- Pipe (strong knockback, low damage)
- Pipebomb (aka mine, craftable)
- C4 (remote explosive)
- Boomstick (doublebarreled high power shotgun)
- Reaper Zombie, high speed, low damage, very high bleed chance
- Infected, medium damage and extremely high infection chance (spawns 1-2 infected upon your death)
- Breed, spawns an infected / moderated every 7 seconds when near another human, high health, spawns 3 infected / moderated upon death
- Military, helps you kill zombies, high damage
- SWAT, helps you kill zombies, high health
- Armed Citizen, helps you kill zombies, high speed
- Bandit, kills you and zombies, teams up with other bandits of the same skin