
Need tips on how to create a game.
11 replies

Much better than asking

Read tutorials. Tutorials are the way to go. With them, you can create pretty much anything, as long as you have patience.
Another option would be Blender3D, which is free but quite difficult for beginners (I never really got it

and how to turn it into a b3d s whatever file thats confusing too
edited 1×, last 15.04.14 04:26:36 pm

- Game reads models: .x .3ds .b3d

- To write scripts of course

- As above

- To make better stuff!

- To make 2D textures
And list of programs:

DeleD 3D CE (with plugins)
3DS Max (not free)
Wings 3D
Milkshape3D (not free)

Adobe PhotoShop (not free)

Build-In notepad
Is that really according to Stranded II section? If yes, then change this thread name..