Scripts Zombie Plague 5.0 Lost! Zombie Plague 5.0 Lost!
6 replies hi :#
some must remember my old Lua 5.0 Zombie Plague.
the problem is, I have no copy of the Lua and I need a copy.
if anyone has one, please upload to a download server, thanks But you mean you need something new? He means that he lost his file and asks if anyone has it. @ Rainoth: Not if it is edited by his authorship not think anyone can have it's file . Thanks for understanding my questions. Your question was completely senseless (and off topic if you ask me). No problem, I guess.
I must agree that retrieving the script is virtually impossible if he didn't give it to anyone. The file isn't uploaded to cs2d, so if you didn't share your code on another site, it's pretty much lost forever. got the file to unreal software, and then I saw that several servers using the Lua.
I want to know if anyone has a copy of which went