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XoOt: is true, so try to use Photoshop or Gimp or Paint.Net or other programms for create your textures and tileset.
All lines on the template image are not needed on the final image and it should be only use like layer for the correct location by blend textures. Diagonal lines are sometimes visible in the case we are "one textured wall"(without a "top" wall surface), it's okay if it is understanded by players for walls of brick, stone, etc. , in other words if it has detailed texture. In case if the wall of monotone color/texture(like as painted, plastered, concrete, etc. walls without detailes on it) - then try to avoid visibility of the diagonal lines.
There is a sample:

Do not forget use only seamless textures or use a set of several tiles and placing it in a certain order - otherwise the junction of the two tiles will be seen as a repeatable texture (it looks bad).
I do not want to do a tileset for you - try to make it yourself - I'm sure you will succeed within a few tries and you'll be proud of yourself. edited 1×, last 01.05.14 03:51:47 pm