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Zoom HUD is not displayed anymore for weapons without zoom when z1/z2 damage is set
Rendering issues with HUD elements in some special cases
mp_hovertext changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
sv_maxplayers changes were not sent to clients when changed while playing
"Generating Lightmap" loading screen sometimes went beyond 100%
Shadow sprites in map de_vantage were missing
Folders for HTTP downloads were not created properly
Now using ZEKE.LuaJIT2 module for Lua (Win/Linux version only)
sv_friendlyfire changes are now displayed to clients with a text message
Dedicated server now uses server port to perform initial U.S.G.N. version check
Some minor performance tweaks
Tweaked performance of Lua images (out of screen ones cost less performance)
Tweaked performance of laser mines (out of screen ones cost less performance)
Silenced shots are less visible
Changed encryption and file name for locally saved U.S.G.N. password
Dedicated server no longer tries to load sys/controls.cfg is used as fallback U.S.G.N. address when sys/usgn.dat is missing
English strings will be used for strings which are not available in custom languages
equip and strip commands now work with weapon names as well
New fog of war modes to hide more stuff than just players
Server info button in in-game menu (opens window with server info text)
Multi item selection and removal for "Downloaded Files" dialog (with CTRL/Shift)
Total size of all downloaded files is displayed in "Downloaded Files" dialog
mp_wpndmg_z1 can be used to define an alternative damage when burst / silencer is used
Hotkey [enter] for standard confirm buttons, these buttons are also highlighted now
Hotkey [ESC] for standard cancel/close buttons
Command sv_stopsound (stop playing a sound for all or a specific player)
Lua command stats (get stats/rank for a specified U.S.G.N. ID)
Lua Hook shieldhit (when tactical shield of a player is hit)
Flamethrower now also emits light when light engine is enabled
Each language can use its own font with the new "font=..." statement, arial.ttf is default
Added/updated some translations/fonts (Thanks to all contributors! Names in Readme.txt)
Smoke grenade smoke will still ALWAYS be visible, even when hidden by fog of war.
That's because it would otherwise hide itself - which would make things very strange.
Buildings will also always be visible in fog of war (technical and gameplay reasons).

That's because it would otherwise hide itself - which would make things very strange.
Buildings will also always be visible in fog of war (technical and gameplay reasons).