Also english is not my first language so I hope you will understand
Its basically all related to zombieplague. zp_weapons file there is [Knock] and [Damage]. does it add damage to standard damage dealt by weapons or it actually sets new value? So if I put 0 there is no damage at all? I think it sets new value but I am not sure.
And what about knock - because you have got [Knock] set for each zombie class so i dont get it.
2.where can I change 'standard' or 'default' zombie values? I found nemesis but not standard... huh?
3.what is normal speed of player. If I want to have same speed for zombia as for player is it 3 or 0 or what?
4.If nemesis quits and there is no zombie left, game is restarted - i dont want that - how to change it?
5.Is there some admin script which goes with zombieplague? if I install one - button for admin menu and zombie menu is the same so i cant use it at the same time.