edited 1×, last 02.11.15 05:02:33 pm

Closure of SHOWTIME2D
23 replies2D games without big updates will die easily.
DC I and everyone else beg you to do something about it, from around 500 servers to around 100 servers, that's something.

The only filters I had are 'is reachable 1' and 'has bots All with at least 1 human'
So the server list wont even get past a page! HOW NICE! GOOD JOB DC! WELL PLAYED.


I'm very grateful that you played and pushed my game but I don't think it's fair to complain in such a rude way after all I did.
edited 3×, last 29.09.15 12:01:46 am



complain in such a rude way after all I did.
We love all what you did AND THAT'S why we care! We want the game to be as best as possible! But come on, its not mission impossible to add add few more effects / items / etc...?
We are not ungrateful, we are very grateful! We just want to help even though we can't.
This game is one of the first games I ever played and I loved it, but time goes on and all the pros leave to play other games which leaves the game with new peoples that cant understand how the game works so they just stop playing it themselves, I'm not saying there aren't any pros, I'm saying most of them left.
DC you probably understood us wrong by what we mean, we tried to explain you the game is dying (even though peoples like to ignore it), and we want more features.
Now you can all say USE LUA ITS AWESOME AND CAN DO ANYTHING!!! But lua =/= game. Lua is just like modding the game while actual update is much better and easier to use!


CS2D is at a point where if you'd want to implement modern features, you'd have to re-write the code. That's what I believe. Which means even if he released the source, it'd probably be so messy and outdated (no offense DC, but AFAIK that's most likely how every indie dev's codes are unless they're neat freaks(codewise) ;0) that no other developer would want to work on it. Solution? Re-write it with better libraries. And not every developer would want to stay at one place without advancing, that ofcourse includes DC.
You guys should look forward to his future projects. Who knows, he'll probably make something even better than CS2D.
er - sorry for off topic. Good luck with your community. CS2d isn't the only game around.

The source isn't too bad overall - keep in mind that I actually rewrote CS2D already - but of course there are still some very ugly things in it. And yes, it's still very far away from being perfect

Anyway, I'm sorry

This will facilitate and accelerate development of your projects and release some of your free time.

Only on topic posts please. Otherwise I'll remove them.
It's not fair to discuss this stuff in


edited 1×, last 10.10.15 06:34:07 pm