I have 1 idea Umm...
Shield can break by any gun
Shield heath : 200
M4A1 HIT : 30 (200-30= 170 :D)
AK47 HIT: 27
If u have any idea
dmg = 1 ho = {} addhook("join","jh") function jh(id) ho[id] = 0 end addhook("second","sch") function sch() for _,id in pairs(player(0,"tableliving")) do if ho[id]>0 then ho[id]=ho[id]-0.5 parse("sethealth "..id.." "..(player(id,"health")-dmg).."") parse("shake "..id.." 1") end end end addhook("shieldhit","shh") function shh(id,sc,wp,a) if wp == 46 then ho[id] = ho[id] + 0.5 end end addhook("drop","dh") function dh(id,iid,typ) if typ == 41 then ho[id] = 0 end end
shield = {} addhook("spawn","_s") function _s(id) 	shield[id] = 200 -- * 	return 41 end addhook("shieldhit","_sh") -- sh is the name of function that is called whenever the shield is hit function _sh(id,source,weapon,direction,objectID) 	shield[id] = shield[id] - itemtype(weapon,"dmg") 	if shield[id] <= 0 then 		parse("strip "..id.." 41") 	end end