Too soon to ask? (SIII Release Date)
Too soon to ask? (SIII Release Date)
7 replies I have not been on this website in a year and I was just remembered about Stranded III, I went back on today to see if there was any sort of release date. Still no. I have been snooping around and saw there was no estimate release date, not even a vague one. I understand DC has no idea how long it will take, and doesn't want to estimate, because if it takes longer, fans will be mad. I understand. But I just hope it's not to much to get a very vague estimate? Perhaps 5 years from now? 7 years? I just want a 'maybe' answer. Anything at all DC, even a vague one? Hope I wasn't rude in asking. Thanks for any replies. It's ready when it's ready. Maybe 200 years. Now you can be happy if he finishes earlier
I'd say 7 years would be more than enough.
I say this based on the fact that he normally makes a couple or a few models/textures each week OR less models/textures but codes something.
With all that said, I am fairly positive you will find Stranded III if you come after 7 years 
and as
ohaz said, you can be happy if he finishes earlier. DC Admin
Short answer: Yes, too soon.
Longer answer: No estimations, sorry, but let me tell you this: If I don't manage to finish* it within the next 7 years, I'll probably cancel it. Or maybe not. I don't know.
*with "finish" I mean releasing a working and playable version which can be considered a game. Hate to still barge in on this, but I seem to remember you saying that you will release alphas and betas well before the release. Are you still planning to do this? @
Corvallis5: That's quite obvious. It's the best way to find bugs before properly releasing the game. Though there has to be a game first to release it so have patience.