I hope you answer my questions.
local vector2_mt = { __add = function(a, b) -- Vector addition if (type(a) ~= type(b)) then error("type mismatch: 'table' and 'table' required, got '" .. type(a) .. "' + '" .. type(b) .. "'") end return vector2(a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y) end, __sub = function(a, b) -- Vector subtraction if (type(a) ~= type(b)) then error("type mismatch: 'table' and 'table' required, got '" .. type(a) .. "' + '" .. type(b) .. "'") end return vector2(a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y) end, __len = function(a) -- Vector length return math.sqrt(a.x^2 + a.y^2) end, __tostring = function(a) -- Vector serialisation return "{" .. a.x .. "," .. a.y .. "}" end } function vector2(x, y) local v = {x = x, y = y} setmetatable(v, vector2_mt) return v end local v1 = vector2(1, 1) print(v1) -- {1, 1} print(#v1) -- 1.4142135623731 local v2 = vector2(3, 3) print(v2) -- {3, 3} print(v1 + v2) -- {4, 4} print(v2 - v1) -- {2, 2} print(v1 + 1) -- error
module("ClassName", package.seeall) ClassName = {} ClassName.__index = ClassName ClassName.__type = "ClassName" function ClassName:new(arg1, arg2, ...) 	 	local self = setmetatable( {}, ClassName ) 	 	return self 	 end return ClassName