I'm making a new RolePlay Script, and now i'm at Car system i want to save Car's in a file.
Car ID = 0 for player "X"
Car ID = 1 for "Name of the player or USGN who buy the car"
Car ID = 2 for "Name of the player or USGN who buy the car
so my question is ,How to create an image and give it a specific ID, which will be saved in a file at the same time with the name of the person.
I wont also to set the Image like a Wall so that other player and other Car's can't go through it.
I tried but unfortunately I am a beginner in LUA, can some one give me a key how to do it, or simply give me the code to advance in my script?
edited 1×, last 23.07.18 10:18:42 pm