I have been working with a new CSS Framework in the past days and since I wish to learn it, I've to come up with some projects that uses it. Now I was browsing UnrealSoftware, when I have seen a reply mentioning
abc123: has written

every time some feature gets removed, a small piece of my cs2d history goes away.
Since, I want to keep the memories and one of my favorite game in my childhood, I've came up with an idea creating some sort of archive for CS2D.
Now, this would include a few important things, including the older version of CS2Ds. There are a ton on the internet, but I don't trust in places like 4Shared and Mediafire, as they might gets removed. There was before a site, which had these, however, this was hosted on 000webhost and it's no longer available.
I wanted to find all possible versions, so I made some progress.
Because of it, I wanted to highlight also the most big features in each specific version, so when someone feels like:

No problem, you are covered. I have all the most recent versions and I am going to keep it always updated.
Here is a few screenshots of the versions I do have, the very most of these, also includes MacOS, Linux and Dedicated Servers, in case you need.

(don't mind the first Steam release, I had some issues with the layout and it caused the text appear on the wrong spot, the real first Steam release is
This is just a very early version, how the site would look.
But you can see my idea.
I am looking for some suggestions on what else, could I put there, other than older versions.
Also, in case you just want to spread negative replies, please don't even start, I also just do this for learning purposes, I just looking for some helpful people, that's all.
edited 1×, last 05.08.23 10:28:32 am