
Any plans for supporting 2FA apps?
8 replies

Wouldn't it be cool to have the U.S.G.N. as some sort of an app? Like STEAM?
An app that displays all of Unreal Software's games and allows you to just choose any game, and it'll get installed automagically?
Oh man, I should probably do that, one day.

Security related question, is there any plans to add to the site the option to add 2FA application, for additional layer of security? 

I did think about it but there are no plans to do this any time soon.
How much work would it be?
I think it would be rather easy to support 2FA for the website because there are existing solutions which should be rather easy to implement (e.g. Google Authenticator). I never had a closer look though.
For games it would probably be more complicated but it should be doable because I already migrated the U.S.G.N. to a new code base (from BlitzMax to Node.js) which allows me to easily use various APIs e.g. HTTPS REST APIs. This wasn't possible before.
Each game however would require an update for the extra login step / changed login logic.

Exactly that. This has a higher prio than 2FA and I would probably directly implement (optional) 2FA with that revamp as well. The revamp is required especially because of rising usage of mobile phones for browsing. unrealsoftware.de isn't responsive yet.

Wouldn't it be cool to have the U.S.G.N. as some sort of an app? Like STEAM?
An app that displays all of Unreal Software's games and allows you to just choose any game, and it'll get installed automagically?
An app that displays all of Unreal Software's games and allows you to just choose any game, and it'll get installed automagically?
On one hand it would be cool and useful but on the other hand it would be annoying to have yet another library platform like Steam, Epic Games Launcher, Ubisoft Connect, Origin, ... Especially when it's just for very few games.
edited 1×, last 01.08.21 03:55:08 pm

It's true it would be annoying to have another library.
Can't wait to see the revamp, whenever that'll happen that is.

edited 1×, last 28.03.22 06:14:00 pm

Security related question, is there any plans to add to the site the option to add 2FA application, for additional layer of security? 

I think DC can add 2FA. But the problem is that DC is working on a project.