
pirate quest
Guesti just got the game and i survived for several days and built everything on the list and lockpicked the chest. i got a map and dug on the x and a pirate showed up and tolm me to get a parrot. i already have a net and three traps build around the parrots nest, but i cant catch anyone of them because they fly on the edge of the map (over water) and too high to net.
is there a workaround this?
ps i didnt save during the quest as it breaks the script (mentioned on this forum)
RaptorJedi: Make sure you look at the compass at the top right corner of the screen. Then you just need to decipher the metaphors.
If not, here's a
edited 1×, last 05.07.07 05:11:53 pm

Admin/mod comment
Did I say that?
Nick99 has written
How do I go to sleep? Currently Im dying because my fatigue is 100%, and i never found it in the tutorial how to sleep
Press [Esc] to open the Interface and click on the topmost button. You also can simply press [X]. There is a button somewhere on the bottom of the big window. Click him, he's for sleeping.
afair there also is a hotkey for sleeping, [Z], but I'm not sure about that.
GolemCC has written
It says "Z", but it's really "Y".
That's because of the different Keyboard layouts. This is what the main field of a German keyboard or typewriter is assorted like.
The rest is identic, I think. As you see, the bottommost letter on the left is the Y here.
I find it good that you have to keep these differences in mind in Stranded II. We computer users outside the english-speaking world have to do that very often, too, if we use unlocalised software (classic games etc.).
Now the day of revenge has come!

edited 1×, last 06.07.07 03:10:25 pm
EwokChieftain has written
This is what the main field of a German keyboard or typewriter is assorted like.
Thats not a normal german keyboard
*image replaced*
Apart from what is in there: Just advance through the building order. At a certain point you will get a new quest.

You can also use Milkshape, but it's shareware.
From where can I get a bendable branch? Please help!