
(sorry, my english is too bad and i know it... it´s cause i speak spanish)

Why? Because:
so basically my question is how do you get the stones to work on the ruins so you can get off the 2nd island
Thank you
Silent_Control has written
how can you open the house's door with the picklock?
uhm... do you mean the object "house" in general?
It can't be opened. It's there for decoration purpose.
There were two possible quests to solve, remember? You've obviously already completed one and that's enough.
first he asked me for 30 stones then the next day i got thsi note thing off the jetti and it said that i had to place stones on the altar or something nothing about children of the sea
Cause_Its_friday has written
it never said anything about children of the sea though ok this is what happened
first he asked me for 30 stones then the next day i got this note thing off the jetti and it said that i had to place stones on the altar or something nothing about children of the sea
first he asked me for 30 stones then the next day i got this note thing off the jetti and it said that i had to place stones on the altar or something nothing about children of the sea
I have the exact same problem. I got the note, I have the fish and things, but I can't find the right stone. No matter what I do (tried left clicking, right clicking, the 'use' button, etc) I never get anything about the children of the sea. I've also tried putting down 15 fish on each stone, and trying to use it, but nothing works.
Cause_Its_friday has written
it never said anything abotu children of the sea though ok this is what happened
first he asked me for 30 stones then the next day i got thsi note thing off the jetti and it said that i had to place stones on the altar or something nothing about children of the sea
first he asked me for 30 stones then the next day i got thsi note thing off the jetti and it said that i had to place stones on the altar or something nothing about children of the sea
You are in the wrong place, Einstein.
Guest2 has written
How can I stop myself from bleeding?
Uses bandages or a certain herb; I bleieve it's the blue flower that stops bleeding?
Guest2 has written
How can I stop myself from bleeding?
Use leaves and a vine together to stop bleeding
munx has written
Use leaves and a vine together to stop bleeding
Guest2 has written
How can I stop myself from bleeding?
Use leaves and a vine together to stop bleeding
Way ahead of ya, champ. Now, hows about someone look back and answer my question, eh?
The question being, on the second map, WHICH stone do I have to click, and what do I have to do to it (right click, left click, E?)
I have clicked on every rock on that damned island, and no prompts about the Children of the Sea appear.
munx has written
Its a flat stone, just run around pressing e on all the rocks on the hill and you will find it.
And now I managed to get stuck. Again. I got the ship off the third island, but ran into rocks and need to repair it. It just so happens I had 10 pieces of iron with me before leaving the island. What do I do with it? Or do I have to actually dive for it?
That's a bug that's caused because of the way DC has managed this. It doesn't check the amount of iron you've got with you, but the amount you have collected on this map.
The repair of the advanced technology of the United 3rd Island Natives Shipyards©® requires a special isotope of iron that can only be found on offshore cliffs.
Admin/mod comment
*self-brand* /EwokChieftain EwokChieftain has written
That's not a bug, that's a feature and part of the "Stranded II©® Boredom Protection System©®".
The repair of the advanced technology of the United 3rd Island Natives Shipyards©® requires a special isotope of iron that can only be found on offshore cliffs.
The repair of the advanced technology of the United 3rd Island Natives Shipyards©® requires a special isotope of iron that can only be found on offshore cliffs.
Is falling through the boat also a feature?