Thanks again, maybe you should create some hot link and receive money

on:collect { local $collects $collects=++; msg " Until now, you collected $collects of this type"; }
on:collect { local $collects $collects=++; msg " Until now, you collected $collects of this type"; }
script=start 	on:useground { 		if (inrange "unit", 1 [,this depends on how big the farm is- use fence pieces and tell me the dimensions] [,"object", put a small object in the center of ur farm- then put it's id here]=0) { 		skipevent; 		} 	} script=end
script=start 	//Bake! 	on:use { 		if (skillvalue("cooking")>=450){ 		if ((count_inrange("state",5,50)+count_inrange("state",4,50))>0){ 			fry; 			process "baking",1000; 			alteritem 1,66,10; 				event "iskill_cooking","global"; 		}else{ 			msg "I need fire to bake this!",3; 			speech "negative"; 		} 	} 	}else{ 	speech "negative"; 	msg "I cannot do this yet!",3; 	msg "My cooking skill needs to be higher!",3; 	} 	//Eat 	on:eat { 		process "eating",1000; 		eat 7,50,5,0;	 	} script=end
SCRIPT ERROR: "else" or "elseif" without matching "if" Script: Item 4454 (Chocolate Dough type 115 ) Event: use Row: 14 Col: 6 Script: }else{
spawn = item ID [, Growing Number of days] [, X-radius] [, Z-radius] [, Y offset] [max amount] [, number per group]