You cannot feed a fire with bark, when you hold it in your hand and left click the fire it 'searches' the bark and gives you slime instead. Same result with using it.
I don't know much about this mod, but it has aroused my interest some weeks ago.
I thought about downloading it and trying it out but now I read all these bug reports and I'd say I'll wait some time 'til they're fixed.
You can cook a raw fish if the fire is not going. Take it in your hand and press "e" and it cooks it!
All bugs related to fish are due to misplaced parantheses. You can stop reporting them.
In other news, all in need of fixing have been fixed. The next version will feature some minor graphic changes.
I'm going to get two new systems working and then release a new version;
Real time cooking.
A basic run-down of how cooking should work, using a few examples;
You drop the meat onto the fire, it slowly turns brown, until it turns into fried meat. If you leave it on to long then it burns. The time needed for cooking will vary slightly. A lower cooking skill will mean a higher variance in cooking time.
Ideally, you would need to build a grill over the fire, but I have no model for that. So we'll just assume that somehow the meat is not getting torched in the fire.
Meals (such as salads, omelettes, ect) are eaten as soon as they made. The exact system for making meals is still to be determined.
Soup is made from whatever you want to toss in. Think the story "Stone Soup". You put the pot on the fire, then just toss in whatever you want. This effects some variables behind the scene. Depending on the variables, the soup will change color.
Real time forging:
So this is a bit different. Basically, you drop the ore on the fire. It will slowly turn red. Once it is red-hot, you hit it in order to shape it into different things.
The changes here means there are a few changes to other things. Spears will need a "sharp stone" which is gained by hitting a stone on the ground with a stone, effectively "breaking" it. Likewise, an axe is made from an axe head (forged) combined with a branch.
So you will not forge tools, but you will forge axe heads, spear heads, sword blades, arrow heads, crossbow heads, ect.
There will be four basic materials for making tools;
Bone (prone to breaking)
Flint (sharp, but very breakable)
Stone (heavy)
Iron (sharp)
An example of how an axe would be made;
Drop iron ore on fire. Wait for it to get red hot. Hit it with a hammer. Make the axe head. Douse the fire\red hot axe head with water. Attach the axe head to a branch.
In general, I am aiming to move away from process times and combinations, and instead go for real time systems. Instead of combining iron ore and a hammer, you physically hit the ore. Ect.
Wow what an update this will take a lot of time woudnt it?
You can also add an adventure Map that suits these things because its a bit boring to see these cool things in boring old map
And will the mine and the Anvil be completed in the next version?
Builder, do you mind if I use some of your ideas? Not necessarily all of them or even the code you use but some of the more general items like barrels/crates and etc? I'm just making a little something and I'd be happy to give you all the credit for the IP.
So I'm reasonably sure that I've finished the basic script. It works with the large meat at least, and from there can be easily adapted to small meat, steaks, bacon, ect.
The effect is pretty cool, the meat goes from bloody and raw to cooked, and then from cooked to burnt.
Skill increase is handled by increasing the skill when you cook the meat, and decrementing it if you burn the meat.
Would be better with a grill, but I still need a model (although Bloodshot has offered his services).
So next is meals. Or rather to figure out how meals should even work.
And then soup. Then forging. Then re-creating a bunch of combinations\ect to fit the new system. Then crying myself to sleep at night.
Amritsar has written
Builder, do you mind if I use some of your ideas? Not necessarily all of them or even the code you use but some of the more general items like barrels/crates and etc? I'm just making a little something and I'd be happy to give you all the credit for the IP.
Ideas are fine. I would prefer however that you don't copy\paste sections of code out. (Although currently it doesn't matter because the next version is going to change like 50% of the current coding).
Thanks, I'm all good with the coding for now till I get hitched on something I'm doing (happened before but I abandoned the project due to laziness/lack of time). I don't copy/pasta work though so it's fine there.
Been making some minor gfx tweaks as a side project. At first I was trying for more realistic graphics, but quickly discarded that idea. So I turned towards simply making Stranded 2's current art syle even more stylized. White and beaches, lush green jungles, volcanic rocks. Large Version
In other news, I decided to remove salads\omelettes from the cooking. Why? They were unnecessary additions and did more harm than good when it came to fun vs. complexity.
This leaves mostly breads\meats\soup for actual cooking, and veggies\fruits as a side item. This means that the actual cooking skill needs to be re-thought. Fun.
There are currently two idea threads on the Unreal Forums of note.
1. "Clothing"
2. "Sicknesses"
Clothing is a gimmick. Yes, it could be done, but why? Because of how S2 generates maps, an island will only be one biome. Furthermore, the only major temperature change will occur during storms or at night. But shelter helps with the storm, and a fire helps with night. The actual system of clothing would be rather hacky, I imagine. So, no clothing will be in MM.
Sicknesses on the other hand... That was already something I had planned, scribbled in above "ZOMBIEEEZ" and under "how I mine 4 fish?". That is all I will say on that matter.
The newest version is on page 17, but it has quite a few bugs in it. I would wait for the version I'm working on now. It will be released (cue dramatic chord) when it's done.
A teaser of cooking:
Grillin' some meat over the fire.
I would like to note that you are not restricted to cooking one thing at a time. You could throw as many foods as you want on the grill and they would still cook (each at a random pace).
Yes, a wooden grill. [sarcasm] It's a magical wooden grill and therefore does not catch fire [/sarcasm]. Seriously though, rule of fun over realism in this case.
good.Keep working! i cant wait!.
something that i had in mind:i made for myself the "over" font be half yellowhalf blue.if you do that,it is beautiful.