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English serverlist back online

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old closed serverlist back online

Admin On Online

I'm (not) glad to announce that the old serverlist is back online (I'm just not sure if it works or not...). so now everyone can decide what he wants to play. Unreal Software wants to make fun freeware games and Unreal Software doesn't want to make people angry by restricting things.

so enjoy whatever you want. max or the good old "cheater hacker ugly strike 2d"

have fun und stop bothering me. this is just a little freeware game! no reason to freak out.

btw: you can get HERE. However it is highly recommended to play the latest version instead of this outdated version. will not be updated or fixed by Unreal Software.
edited 4×, last 05.10.08 01:41:18 am

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

errm lol . you've said in a topic things like " say no to regression, say no to the old cs2d" "However Unreal Software will not support (or older versions) in future" and now is back?
edited 1×, last 29.09.08 02:46:55 pm

old Re: serverlist back online

Admin On Online

yah you guys harassed me so much that I was forced to change my mind. I still don't really support it. I'm not going to put the old download back online at

but if you really think is better: play it! I don't care at all. It should be your decision what you play, not mine.

I also still think that the behaviour of many ppl here is pretty foolish but I've enough of this struggle. Keep playing the old one and ignore the fact that it would be much better to improve the new one instead.
edited 2×, last 29.09.08 03:16:44 pm

old Re: serverlist back online


I actually like both CS2D v0.1.0.4 and CS2D max, but CS2D max is alot more awesome.

Even though I still like some things in CS2D v0.1.0.4, things that doesn't exist in CS2D max. The crates in CS2D max literally split in half when destroyed, in CS2D v0.1.0.4 the crates disappear when destroyed. I like when the crates disappear when destroyed, instead of splitting into four pieces like frames and they fly into each corner of the surrounding tiles while they fade away when destroyed.

And I noticed that the env_sprite filter modes in CS2D max don't work properly yet at least some of the modes, but I bet they'll be fixed with time.

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

Well, at some points I have to agree with the old-version-stickers. The old version has some features that the new one still doesn't. These are:

√ better-looking Fog of War
√ weapon modes for bots
√ a working magnification glass
√ a minimap for spectating players
√ env_tilefx: Scrolling and waves/distortion at once possible
√ env_sprite: different blend modes (which almost no one used :D)
√ env_sound: MPEG3 sounds possible

These differences are neutral, I think, you may like it or hate it:
• bots need waypoints
• crates disappear instead of split (as KimKat already told)
• different weapon damage
• a different zoom mode (with bugs!)

So the most features are just graphical and don't affect the gameplay. On the downside, there are many important features missing:
× map transmission
× Domination maps
× Capture the Flag maps
× Deathmatch mode
× Team Deathmatch mode
× Construction mode
× kevlar to collect
× many new items and weapons
× briefing is always completely readable (in old version, it is cut when too long)
× secondary fire for knife
× silencers
× burst mode
× many important server parameters
× more features I don't remember

and, the top feature (at the moment):
× many, many players!

I am not willing to give up these features for just some minimal graphical or acustical changes. So I am playing the most recent version and do not stick to the old one. I think if DC finished FOW, added weapon modes for bots and finished the ingame minimap, there is absolutely no reason left to stick to the old one.

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

KIffer-Opa what u are saying is correct , but most old players are looking for better "gameplay" i have to say MAX looks great , but when it comes down to playing , old cs2d is way better

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

JPVN has written
but when it comes down to playing , old cs2d is way better

Hmmm, I can't understand.
Can you go into detail, please? I can't see that big differences in gameplay, sorry. Am I blind?

old Re: serverlist back online

Moderator Off Offline

mainly in tactics. The major pullfactor for 0104 was the ability to play the game by dodging the bullets. This was done by the "glitch" in which diagnol movements increases the speed (only seemingly) by a factor of sqrt of 2. This gives us the option to do "battle dances" which is the core survival strategy in this game. That said, CS2D Max is a whole new game that none of us old players wanted. We just expected a GFX makeover for max and more detailed security, but what we got was, well, dissapointing on many levels. Around 30% of the old CS2D pros have quit, almost 90% are only a fraction as active as before, and all agree that the new cs2d is "infected with nubs" (I'm quoting this) That's reason enough for me to stick to the older version. I'm not saying Max is bad, it's just not the game we want, and as many many people have stated before, lacking in gameplay.

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

Well, it's good that you said that so detailed already.

As far as I heard in the Unreal Software irc channel, DC never found out why so many people complained about "moving slow" and he just adjusted the "overall speed".

We just expected a GFX makeover for max and more detailed security, but what we got was, well, dissapointing on many levels

I don't know whether DC intended to "fix" that diagnonal movement thingy, but I'm sure that it resulted from the code rewrite.

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline

Sure, more noobs play cs2d, because the game gets more popular to them, after a few months of train their skill will increase. And it is still possible to be way better then other players, or how can you say that the game is played by noobs only? Doesn't that mean you are better then them, in conclusion I would skill still matters, doesn't it?

old Re: serverlist back online

Moderator Off Offline

No, I'm saying that I'm getting kills like 700:7 in an online server because of the new features used, and the fact that you can build traps that people can't get out of, etc etc. So no, I don't think that I'm good because I have skills, quite the contrary, I'm good because I have good ping and my team builds a lot of dispensers and supplies...

PS: The glitch was sort of like (by analogy) the flaw in the HL1 engine that lets you "surf"

old cs2d b vs cs2d b

User Off Offline

leegao is right. one of the biggest differences in the gameplay is the bug that you run faster when you move diagonal. it really made cs2d more difficult, in particular the aiming.
also the the pistols (specially the deagle) was much stronger in the old cs2d and generally the weapons did less damage.
Nevertheless, i really like the walking speed of cs2dmax and also the speed of the grenades is very good.
I quite like cs2dmax, because of the improvements and the useful features.
but in the end the gameplay of cs2d b is just better. that's why i stick to the old version. But you can't deny, DC did a great job with cs2dmax. unfortunately he hasn't impleted some 'bugs' that made the gameplay more fun.

old Re: serverlist back online

User Off Offline


The fact that you walk faster when you go diagonal is the main reason to stick to the old version?
If this is all, DC can make new CS2D to add this glitch again if it is that important to you.
I noticed, too, that DC changed the physics of walking diagonally but I never expected that is one of the major changes.

Oh, and by the way I don't think the players are storming the version I've looked the serverlist two times in the last hours and in both checks I saw 4 servers with no players in total (2 servers were password protected).
So I think this is real the end of the old CS2D, because of
× No players!
And I think the number of players increased since the release of max and it keeps at the level.
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